…was committed without bringing up other things that are otherwise better forgotten because they occurred in the past. In other words, do not bring up past mistakes and equate them… (Search hits: 8 in body, 0 in title, 0 in categories, 0 in tags, 0 in other taxonomies, 0 in comments. Score: 23.22)
Empowered to Bring Christ to Our Nation
…good that you called, because I cannot remember who was the one who asked me.? Friends, when David and Laura Hibbard opened a school in Dumaguete on Aug. 28, 1901,… (Search hits: 6 in body, 0 in title, 0 in categories, 0 in tags, 0 in other taxonomies, 0 in comments. Score: 22.66)
When You Have Crossed The Jordan…
…ourselves under His power, frees us from slavery, frees us from want, and frees us into finally becoming His people, to live in a land of His promise. But the… (Search hits: 6 in body, 0 in title, 0 in categories, 0 in tags, 0 in other taxonomies, 0 in comments. Score: 22.66)
Discovering Silliman and Dumaguete with Judith Rowland
…to Journalism. Because everything happens for a reason, perhaps the most compelling one on why it had to be Dr. D. Wayne Rowland was because he knew whereof he spoke…. (Search hits: 6 in body, 0 in title, 0 in categories, 0 in tags, 0 in other taxonomies, 0 in comments. Score: 22.58)
SU inks MOU with PCOO to utilize FOI Program
…Egco; Atty. Kristian R. Ablan, PCOO assistant secretary and Freedom of Information (FOI) Program director; Atty. Marvin R. Gatpayat, PCOO undersecretary for administration and legal affairs; and Dr. Betty Cernol-McCann,… (Search hits: 7 in body, 0 in title, 0 in categories, 0 in tags, 0 in other taxonomies, 0 in comments. Score: 22.48)
Understanding the Philippines
…“Cooperation between several empirical disciplines” create “interdisciplinarities.” Interdisciplinarities build up higher levels of the hierarchy. The second level is the “pragmatic”. This “uses the language of cybernetics, the science of… (Search hits: 10 in body, 0 in title, 0 in categories, 0 in tags, 0 in other taxonomies, 0 in comments. Score: 22.4)
SU, SUFA sign 2019 CBA
…Betty Cernol McCann, SU president; Atty. Karissa Tolentino-Maxino, chief negotiator of the SU administration; Rodney Teves and Asst. Prof. Dina Remoto, faculty members; Prof. Jane Annette Belarmino, SU vice president… (Search hits: 4 in body, 0 in title, 0 in categories, 0 in tags, 0 in other taxonomies, 0 in comments. Score: 22.38)
Website Privacy Policy
…your computer receives “cookies” – small files or information that enhance user experience. Cookies are stored on the user’s hard drive. They improve user experience. They keep sites that you… (Search hits: 12 in body, 0 in title, 0 in categories, 0 in tags, 0 in other taxonomies, 0 in comments. Score: 22.33)
VIA, VERITAS, VITA — now, always and forever
…others. I believe in the saying, “Be happy, not because everything is good, but because you can see the good in everything.” I am happy because I choose to focus… (Search hits: 7 in body, 0 in title, 0 in categories, 0 in tags, 0 in other taxonomies, 0 in comments. Score: 21.86)