Silliman University is hiring one (1) Full-time faculty member for the College of Agriculture. Qualification: Preferably a Licensed Agriculturist with a Master’s degree in Crop Protection, Entomology, or Plant Pathology Applicants must send their application letter, CV, and other pertinent documents to [email protected].
The Accounting Department is hiring one (1) full-time Accounting Clerk. For interested applicants, please send your letter of intent, Curriculum Vitae, and other related documents to [email protected].
The Library Department is hiring one (1) full-time Catalog Clerk. For interested applicants, please send your letter of intent, Curriculum Vitae, and other related documents to [email protected].
#JobOpening Silliman University is hiring four (4) licensed librarians for the Silliman University Library. Interested applicants must submit their resume to [email protected].
#JobOpening Silliman University is hiring two (2) full-time Instructors for the Senior High School department. (1) for Physics and Physical Science (1) for Accountancy, Business and Management Interested applicants must submit their resume to [email protected].
#JobOpening Silliman University is hiring one (1) Purchasing Officer for the Business and Finance Office. Interested applicants must submit their resume to [email protected].
#JobOpening Silliman University is hiring one (1) Editorial Technical Assistant for the Office of Information and Publications. Interested applicants must submit the following documents to [email protected]: 1. Letter of intent or application letter 2. Updated resume with pertinent documents
#JobOpening Silliman University is hiring two (2) Full-time Accountants for the Business and Finance Office Qualifications: – Accounting graduate – Certified Public Accountant is preferred Applicants must email their application letter, CV, and other pertinent documents to [email protected]
#JobOpening Silliman University is hiring one (1) full-time Administrative Assistant for SU TEVEC Applicants must email their application letter, CV, and other pertinent documents to [email protected]
Silliman University is hiring one (1) Budget Assistant for the Business and Finance Office đŸ“§ Applicants must email their application letter, CV, and other pertinent documents to [email protected]