German Language Course Opens March 24

German Language Course Opens March 24

The Language Center (LC) opens on March 24 its first German Language Course.

This 40-hour course aims to develop both structural awareness and a good command of the German language. It covers basic German communication skills (macro skills: listening, speaking, reading, writing), and seeks for students to be able to appropriately converse in German by the end of the course period. The students will also learn more about the Federal Republic of Germany today — its climate, landscape, food, education system, work realities, ways of traveling, and city life.

Handling the course will be Prof. Philip Van Peel, a German, and Asst. Prof. Ronelaine Picardal. Both are with the English and Literature Department and have handled subjects on foreign languages.

Inquiries can be sent to LC Coordinator Asst. Prof. Warlito Caturay at [email protected].

LC is a new program in the University. It was established to develop the professional communication skills of individuals under a multi-cultural and a multi-lingual setting.