CHED Grants Anew Full Autonomous Status to Silliman

CHED Grants Anew Full Autonomous Status to Silliman

The Commission on Higher Education (CHED) has renewed the distinction of Full Autonomous Status granted to Silliman University.

Enjoyed by only a select number of universities in the Philippines, the highest institutional distinction of Full Autonomous Status empowers universities to develop and offer academic programs without going through the standard approval process of CHED. It is a recognition of a university’s long-standing and continuing contribution to building up the competitiveness of Philippine higher education in the international community.

It also affirms Silliman’s commitment to excellence manifested through programs designated as Centers of Excellence (Information Technology Education, Nursing Education & Teacher Education) and Development (Biology, Marine Biology & Medical Technology), and those in the undergraduate and graduate levels that have been given high accreditation.

Silliman remains to be among universities in the country with the most number of accredited programs. It also earned the highest distinction of Institutional Accreditation from the Federation of Accrediting Agencies in the Philippines.