Nature Studies Confab Highlights Multidisciplinary Approach to Resiliency, Sustainability

Nature Studies Confab Highlights Multidisciplinary Approach to Resiliency, Sustainability

The College of Agriculture led this year’s International Conference on Nature Studies and Innovations for the Environment (ICoNSIE) of the Philippine Society for the Study of Nature (PSSN) held May 24 to 28 on campus.

Around 100 participants, composed of teachers, students, researchers and practitioners from Germany, Thailand, Indonesia and the Philippines, convened in Silliman for the conference.

Themed “Nature studies: creating knowledge and building bridges for resiliency and sustainability”, the international conference doubled as PSSN’s 16th Annual Scientific Conference.

ICoNSIE provides an avenue for intercultural and multidisciplinary discourses on a broad range of topics around nature studies. This year, among those discussed were climate resilience, disaster risk reduction, and multi-disciplinal approaches to ensuring sustainable development.

Established in 2000, PSSN is a non-profit, non-stock, non-partisan organization of professionals, researchers, students, and institutions involved in nature-related studies and activities. Its primary goal is to provide strategies and initiatives that can help promote environmental resiliency and sustainability.