New Year’s Message of the President

New Year’s Message of the President

We are about to begin another Lord’s Year of our lives and in the life of our University.  We do so aware of the challenges ahead, the uncertainties in our economy, politics, and educational reforms of the country, and yet also aware of the opportunities offered by new leaderships emerging in our horizon, the continuing commitment of our faculty and staff, the serious endeavors of our students, the caring support of our alumni and friends, and the staunch adherence to good governance by our Board of Trustees.  

But most assuredly, we face the New Year with a sense of undaunted certainty that our Lord and Savior the Christ, who is Via, Veritas, Vita will be giving us wisdom, inspiration, and courage to keep Silliman proclaiming God’s love and justice in its services and commitment to quality education, and in our collective stewardship of its assets and mission so that Silliman may keep doing so into the years ahead.

Happy, blessed and courage-full New Year to all!

Dr. Ben S. Malayang III