95 Butterflies Mark SU Church Anniversary

95 Butterflies Mark SU Church Anniversary

The Silliman University Church released 95 butterflies to launch the weeklong celebration of its 95th anniversary.

Music filled the air during the anniversary services on August 21 which culminated with a dinner fellowship at the Silliman Hall. A historic walk from the SU Church to the Silliman Hall added flair, and singing continued into the night.  

Themed “A Mighty Fortress is Our God,” the SU Church anniversary will be capped with the Sunrise Service and the morning Sunday service on August 28 – when Silliman University turns 110. For this year, the Sunrise Service will be at the Silliman Hall grounds facing the Visayan sea.

Open to all, a seven-day prayer continues to take place at the SU Church lawn every 5AM until August 28. The grand reunion of the Christian Youth Fellowship is also one of the highlights of the anniversary.