Cards, Roses Flood Campus on World Teachers’ Day

Cards, Roses Flood Campus on World Teachers’ Day

October 5 was no ordinary  Wednesday. It was World Teachers' Day, and students at Silliman University had their own way of making their mentors feel special exactly on that day.

At the Elementary Department of the School of Basic Education, tables of teachers were decked with cards screaming “I Love You, Teacher!” as early as the start of classes. And most teachers came home with paper bags containing gifts from their students — flowers, cookies and cakes, and other mementos. 

For its part, Silliman University distributed red roses and personalized cards to its faculty members. The gesture was an affirmation of the crucial role that teachers play in the development of students and the value that Silliman has for them.

Meanwhile, the Philippine celebration of World Teachers' Day culminated a month-long campaign, “My Teacher, My Hero”, which was launched on September 4. The campaign highlighted the “unique role, service, and commitment which teachers play in guiding families, strengthening communities, and building the nation.”

October 5 has been celebrated as World Teachers’ Day since 1994, as created by the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization.