Security Officers Donate 54 Bags of Blood

Security Officers Donate 54 Bags of Blood

Members of the Silliman University Public Assistance and Safety Office (PASO) donated a total of 54 bags under the University's Blood Sharing Program.

The 54 security officers responded to individual calls for blood donation from members of the Silliman community coursed through PASO over a period of eight months. Each has donated 500cc of blood.

PASO Officer-in-Charge Dr. Nichol Elman, who is concurrently Director of Extension, commended the security officers for their act of service.

“This is reflective of our security officers’ care for others, as they help ensure our safety on campus. Their readiness to donate also promotes the thrust of Silliman in assisting the needs of the community,” he said.

Records at PASO contain the blood types of all security officers who have indicated availability for blood donation to facilitate quick response during emergency situations.