Software for Personalized Mgt of Lib Resources Launched

Software for Personalized Mgt of Lib Resources Launched

A new software was launched last September 4 by the Robert and Metta J. Silliman Library that enables a personalized management of materials online from the library collection covering over 250,000 volumes.

Destiny Library Manager is a centrally installed school library system that makes available the resources of the Library to students, faculty and staff wherever there is an internet connection. It facilitates registration of personal accounts from where one can look up new acquisitions, make a reservation for selected books, recommend certain titles to friends, and tweak certain options according to one’s preferences.

The software provides open access to those using it on the computers provided in the Library. Those interested in availing of its services outside the Library are encouraged to visit the Circulation Section and secure a username and a password.

Under the leadership of University Librarian Mrs. Lorna T. Yso, the Library is gearing for full automation. It is also currently digitizing rare print and non-print materials for easier and wider access in the future. This initiative is targeted at increasing the utilization of library materials and adjusting to new trends in technology.