ADB Partners with Silliman on Youth Environment Training

ADB Partners with Silliman on Youth Environment Training

International development organization Asian Development Bank (ADB) linked up with Silliman University on its recent training on the environment for local youth leaders and members of the Southeast Asian Youth Environment Network (SEAYEN). 

Participated in by around 40 student leaders from schools in Dumaguete City and SEAYAN, which members came from Indonesia, Malaysia and Vietnam, the training encouraged youth involvement in addressing local environment issues. Speakers from the ADB, Environment Management Bureau and some from SEAYEN showcased youth-driven sustainable projects that demonstrated the extent to which young minds have been able to increase public awareness of the need to protect the forests and river basins. They also presented examples of how the youth in some parts of the globe have managed to inspire action from government. 

ImageCase studies also guided group discussions, as the participants were divided into groups to brainstorm on common local environment issues and develop an initial roadmap to development. The case studies presented best practices and ideas that the youth could pursue in their advocacy. 

An eco-tour capped the training. The participants visited the Institute of Environmental and Marine Sciences where Director Dr. Janet Estacion discussed the reef-to-ridge approach to environmental conservation of Silliman and the University's pioneering work in community-based coastal resources management. She also brought the participants to the interpretive facilities of the Institute, including the Marine Mammal Musuem which houses the world's second largest Brydes whale bone. Image

The training for local youth leaders is envisioned as an entry point for more youth-oriented partnerships between Silliman and the ADB. 

Recently, Silliman was tapped as a consultant to the Philippine government on the country's Integrated Coastal Resources Management Project, which was being implemented on a loan from the Asian Development Bank and a grant from the Global Environment Facility.