SU leaders hold strategic planning workshop

SU leaders hold strategic planning workshop

Silliman administrators, deans and directors huddled at Silliman Hall Dec. 7-8 to revisit and reinvigorate the University’s directions, strategies, and activities for 2019 and beyond.

In opening the strategic planning workshop, VPAA Earl Jude Cleope explained the importance of strategizing and planning the subsequent activities of the University. “Actions are not enough without purpose,” he said, quoting the late US president John F. Kennedy. “Our previous strategic plan ends this year; we have to plan again,” he told the group of about 50 university leaders.

Pres. Betty Cernol-McCann exhorted everyone to contribute their ideas to the new strategic plan that was an expected output of the workshop. “There is never an end to planning,” she said. “The strat plan will be no strat plan without your participation.”

The two-day meeting was facilitated by international consultant in Organization Development Dr. Perla Rizalina M. Tayko and entrepreneurial development/management education consultant Dr. Gloria S. Chavez using the SOAR (Strengths, Opportunities, Aspirations, Results) approach. The group produced a draft strategic plan incorporating the University’s new directions at the end of the workshop.