2 Professors Attend Coastal Resource Planning in Myanmar
Two professors from the Institute of Environmental and Marine Sciences (IEMS) recently participated in the planning workshop on Coastal Research, Education and Management at the Mawlamyaine University in Mon State, Myanmar.
IEMS OIC-Director Dr. Janet S. Estacion (seated fifth from left) and Graduate Program Coordinator Dr. Hilconida P. Calumpong (standing third from right) were among those invited to assist representatives from five higher education institutions in Myanmar drawing up their plans for collaboration.
They shared their knowledge and expertise in the areas of research, curriculum development and enhancement, faculty and student exchange, and institutional strengthening, especially with respect to current offerings at IEMS.
Silliman, through IEMS, is one of the stronger universities in Asia offering graduate programs in Marine Biology, Coastal Resource Management and Environmental Policy, among others. These are the same programs that Dr. Estacion and Dr. Calumpong also encouraged to participating universities from Myanmar to consider working on as they formulated their five-year action plan as a consortium.
Yangon University, Dagon University, Pathein University, Myeik University and Mawlamyaine are the five universities that participated in the planning workshop.