‘Family Games’ Returns this Founders Day

‘Family Games’ Returns this Founders Day

The music-driven and fun-filled Family Games returns to Silliman for the 113th Founders Day.

Scheduled August 23 at the West Quadrangle, it features non-traditional and team-oriented games that alumni, faculty, staff and students from different age brackets can enjoy.

It was during the celebration of the Silliman Centennial in 2001 when the Games was first introduced in Silliman as SU Alumni Games. It was one of the highlights that gathered around 600 participants in a series of activities that pumped up their adrenaline, brought laughter and smiles to their faces, and developed friendships with fellow alumni whom they just met during the Games. The second time it was organized in Silliman was in 2003, and the number of participants increased to 800. It was renamed that year to the SU Family Games, in recognition of the many alumni who come home to Silliman with family members from different parts of the globe.


This is the third time for the Games to be conducted as part of the Founders Day celebration. 

Organizing the Games is DTC Promos, Inc. of alumnus Mr. Ed Dames, together with the Silliman University Chemical Society and Outstanding Sillimanian Ms Edna Mijares, who is the current president of the Silliman in Metro Manila alumni chapter. 

For ticket purchases or inquiries, contact the Alumni and External Affairs Office at al[email protected].