Short But Sweet
By Mo Francisco.
There’s only one thing that all fellows of the Dumaguete Workshop will agree on—some more wistfully than others: a summer in Dumaguete ends all too soon. That statement however holds the most truth for our batch. While other batches had three weeks, ours had to cram all our stories, forging of new friendships, dramas and scandals into a short two week stint. It was like we were diagnosed with only two weeks to live. So that’s what we did. We jumped off Salagdoong cliff into the ocean. We sought out albularyos in Siquijor. We got off our diets and explored every culinary delight Dumaguete had to offer. We drank like relapsed alcoholics. We learned to swim (yes, half of the batch didn’t know how to swim and one even had a full-blown phobia of water). We danced on the Hayahay stage with Lexi Lee. We wrote like there was no tomorrow. And in the end, what we thought was our disadvantage was what made our summer even more memorable.