Dr. Pablito A. dela Rama

Dr. Pablito A. dela Rama

ImageHe was a farmer’s son from a northern town in Negros who came to Dumaguete for higher education with nothing much but his brilliance, dreams and Christian values. Dr. Pablito dela Rama, who now sits as the Dean of the School of Agro-Industrial and Technical Education (SAITE), has truly come a long way from his humble beginnings.

Dr. Dela Rama loved his childhood in the rural landscapes of Guihulngan before its city hood in 2011. Along with five other siblings, he was raised in a Christian household, with the freedom to roam free and play games especially his favorite, marbles, with the neighborhood kids. This game involved a skillful play of flicking or firing a marble from one’s fingers.   

As a student, he held an excellent track record. He graduated top of his class in both his elementary and high school education. This then paved the way for an opportunity to study in Silliman University.

With a valedictorian scholarship, Dr. Dela Rama enrolled in the University’s Bachelor of Science in Agriculture program in 1979. However, the scholarship didn’t cover the full cost of his tuition so most of it had to be paid out of his parent’s pockets. Limited resources led him to transfer schools the following year. 

His desire to earn his college degree in Silliman made him drop out of college to work and save up for another chance to return to the campus by the sea.

During this time, he landed a job with the Negros Veterans Security Agency and worked two years as a security guard.

His hard work finally paid off in 1984 when he saved enough to get himself back to the university. This time, he enrolled as a Bachelor of Science in Industrial Education student, following the advice of Mrs. Minerva Chavez who was then the guidance counselor of the College of Education.

To help pay for his college fees, Dr. Dela Rama also worked as a student assistant at the secretarial pool of the College of Arts and Sciences.

In 1987, he completed his undergraduate course and immediately joined the University’s Graduate Teaching Fellowship that allowed him to teach and study his Master in Arts in Education Management at the same time. This served as the prelude to his full employment to Silliman in 1990.

ImageThat same year, he also married his college sweetheart, Loreta. They are blessed with three children: Eddie, who now works with the Department of Trade and Industry; Hannah Maria, who is now completing her Master in Arts in Education Management; and Joanna Marie, a third year Early Childhood Education student.

As a father, Dr. Dela Rama sees to it that he adequately provides for the needs of his wife and children with diligence. He shared that, “it may not be luxury, but I want to give them the best.”

In 1994, upon obtaining his Masters degree, he then went on to pursue his PhD with a major in Research and Evaluation at the University of San Carlos in Cebu. He completed his doctorate studies in 2006 and that same year served as Acting Dean of the College of Education (COE). The following year, he was entrusted with the deanship position for a three-year term.

At the end of his term as COE Dean in 2010, Dr. Dela Rama was appointed as the Director of the Office of Instruction and served for three years. With the opening of the School of Agro-Industrial and Technical Education in 2013, he was appointed as its first and current Dean.

Describe yourself in three words.
Blessed. Supportive. Happy.

What is your motto in life?
“Walk the Talk”

What makes you laugh?

What makes you cry?
Failures, which could have been avoided

What’s your favorite time of the day and why?
Evenings – because I am more productive by then. I get easily distracted so when everyone else is asleep, I am able to focus more. 

ImageWhat’s your favorite day of the week and why?
Weekends – because these are days spent with family.

What do you love doing when not working?
. I read books on Education and Statistics.

What is your favorite hangout place in the University?
My Office

What makes you blush?
Offensive jokes

If you were an actor, who would you be?
Gary Valenciano – because he’s a modest actor who makes the effort to be a positive influence to others

Tell us a fact about yourself.
I make the effort to be always on time for my classes.

What’s your favorite game growing up?
A game of marbles and flicking rubber bands

What is your idea of a relaxing day?
A day when you are not pressured about requirements and free to do what you want

ImageWhat one thing would people be interested to know about you?
My genuine interest is to be of help.

What song best describes the YOU and the life you have now?
“Life is short”

What is the first thing you do right after waking up in the morning?
I greet my wife “good morning” and I thank God for another day in my life.

What’s your idea of a family?
A family is one with mutual respect.