Mrs. Mildred Sevilla-So

Mrs. Mildred Sevilla-So

ImageThis beauty who admits to being an introvert is an enduring mother of three. She was born and raised in Tanjay City in Negros Oriental, and is now with the Office of the Registrar and Admissions.

Mildred was the youngest of 11 children. Their household ran under a strict system of chore rotations which ensured that each child, be it male or female, would learn the inner workings of the home — from cooking to sewing to doing laundry.

She recalls her mother to be a strong and a stern woman who hardly allowed them to play with other kids in their neighborhood. Because of this, she learned to enjoy indoor traditional games; jackstones, a popular game usually played by girls, was her favorite. 

In school, Mildred considered herself to be an average student. She did fairly well at the Opao Elementary School, now the Tanjay City South Central School. When she reached high school, she studied a private school, Diza College, then known as East Negros Institute. 

Upon graduating high school, Mildred was enticed by the idea of going to college in a different environment. She decided to join two of her sisters were residing in the Islamic City of Marawi and attend school there. In 1986, Mildred enrolled in the AB Political Science program at the Mindanao State University (MSU). After a year at MSU, she decided to return home and enroll at then East Negros Institute in a new course, Bachelor of Science in Business Management. But like her fate at MSU, Mildred would find herself in another yet another school a year after. This time, it was final. She followed the advice of her sister to finish college in Silliman. So she enrolled in 1988 in the University, taking up the same course, Management.

While in college, Mildred would spend all her free time at her sister’s house. She would help in the household chores as she waited for her next class. It was a conscious effort to keep away from lingering around the campus for fears of figuring in a group of peers that might negatively influence her, as what happened to some people that she knew. This proved to be the right approach to keeping herself on the right track as in October 1991, Mildred successfully completed college.

Immediately after graduation, she applied for a vacated post at the University’s Business and Finance Office. In April 1992, she was accepted as Student Accounts Officer.

ImageThe following year, on her usual commute to Tanjay, she met a charming young bachelor who was in the business of passenger buses. His name was Fielden Alojado So. The two quickly got along and soon enough their friendship grew into a commitment that would bind them for life. In less than a year’s time, Mildred and Fielden got married. Mildred and Fielden are now blessed with three children who are all studying in Silliman: Junmil Rey, a fourth year Information Technology student, Recca Marie, who is in Grade 9, and their youngest, Angelique, a third grader.

After serving 19 years as Student Accounts Officer, Mildred took a lateral transfer to the Office of the Registrar and Admissions in 2010. She is now as Chief of Evaluation of Graduation Records Section.

In 2013, she was among those recognized by the University for 20 years of dedicated service to Silliman. At this point in her life, she simply wishes to see all her kids pursue their dream careers. Until they do, she will continue to support and guide them in making the necessary choices that will get them there. 

Describe yourself in three words.
God-fearing. Humble. Simple.

What is your motto in life?
“Live simply so that others may simply live”

ImageWhat makes you laugh?
Everything that’s worth laughing

What makes you cry?
When my children sometimes don’t obey

What’s your favorite time of the day and why?
1PM — after eating lunch with my family — because that's when I get to relax and watch TV.

What’s your favorite day of the week and why?
day, our family day

What do you love doing when not working?

What is your favorite hangout place in the University
I haven’t experienced hanging out in a particular place on campus.

What makes you blush?
When I am partly blamed for things I did not do.

If you were an actress, who would you be?
Angel Locsin

Tell us a fact about yourself.
I am able to make hand-made dresses for my children.

What’s your favorite game growing up?

ImageWhat is your idea of a relaxing day?
It’s when I’ve finished all the household chores and eat out with my family.

What one thing would people be interested to know about you?
My inner personality.

What song best describes the YOU and the life you have now?
There’s no particular song because every song partly describes a person.

What is the first thing you do right after waking up in the morning?
Thank God for giving the grace of life for a new day.

What’s your idea of a family?
A family is one that has a father, a mother and children who are loving and caring for each other.