ADVISORY 5 #RubyPH: Extra Precautions on Campus

ADVISORY 5 #RubyPH: Extra Precautions on Campus

Issued 10:15 AM, December 5, 2014

Silliman President Dr. Ben S Malayang III convened the members of the Volunteer Fire and Rescue Team and personnel of the Buildings and Grounds Department this morning to discuss additional preparations for typhoon Ruby, even as latest projections point to it slightly moving northward. 

For the purpose of exercising utmost precaution and for planning risk reduction measures on campus, typhoon Ruby still needs to be deemed potentially dangerous to us in Negros Oriental, Dumaguete and Silliman.

If all present conditions in the eastern seaboard of the Philippines remain the same, the weather in Dumaguete is likely to start deteriorating in the next 24-36 hours. 

The following measures are undertaken starting today

1. Identify and secure potentially dangerous debris (things that could break, like branches, or fly off and hit properties and persons). Weak and dying branches may be trimmed or secured with slings. Road signs and other loose materials that could be blown by strong winds will be secured. 

2. Inspect all electrical lines; switch off power supply once winds start to pick up. 

3. Gas up all generator sets to ensure quick restoration of power on campus once weather conditions start normalizing. 

4. Prepare all necessary vehicles and equipment for quick response to requests for rescue and/or medical assistance. 

5. Ensure buildings for evacuation have cots and glass windows covered or taped; and have centralized coordination of transfers to safe shelters.

We are praying for the best, but planning for the worst. 

We seek to plan for more than how actual conditions eventually turn out and happen.