Dr. Malayang Speaks in Myanmar on Education Reforms
Silliman President Dr. Ben S. Malayang III was in Yangon, Myanmar on February 4 to 6 to keynote a conference of senior officials of higher education institutions in Myanmar on the theme, “Higher Education Reform: Perspectives from Universities in the ASEAN Region.”
Dr. Malayang was the only president from a university in the Philippines that was invited to speak under the Higher Education Leadership Program of the United Board for Christian Higher Education in Asia.
He talked about “The Range and Scope of Education Reform in the Philippines and the Response of Silliman University”. K+12 was among the education reforms that he discussed. Dr. Malayang highlighted how Silliman views the projected decline in college enrollment as an opportunity for the University to boost faculty credentials, offer technical-vocational and certificate programs, enhance alumni and community relations, and expand options for increasing auxiliary income and other non-tuition revenues.
The President also touched on the implications of ASEAN 2015 and what it requires of higher education institutions in terms of programs that can develop students who are communicative, critical thinkers and responsive to social demands.