Ms Bea Mara L. Zamora

Ms Bea Mara L. Zamora

Her sweet smile can definitely splash multitudes of colors on one’s gloomy day. Her dainty demeanor and the way she carries herself with such grace and charm speaks nothing of the usual images of stress and frenzy we usually associate with the teaching profession.

Born and raised in the outskirts of Bais, a city located north of Dumaguete, Ms. Bea Mara Lubaton Zamora is the youngest of three kids. She made a bold step by deciding to pursue Education with a specialization in English amidst a family collectively inclined to Mathematics.

Bea grew up in a neighborhood where most of her childhood playmates were boys. Thus, instead of Barbie dolls and pink fluffy teddy bears, she held a bias towards pellet guns, among the many games they played.

She was a very diligent student. Bea completed her primary and secondary years at Bais City Science Elementary School and Bais City Science High School. She graduated magna cum laude at Silliman University with the aid of a scholarship which she believed was a gift to her from God.

“I believe it was fate that brought me to where I am right now,” she said. With almost everyone taking up Nursing that time, Bea felt that she was called for a different purpose, a purpose which was foreshadowed when she became the youngest Catechist in their place during her childhood years. With English as her field of choice, it is very easy for her to infuse lifelong lessons and values in her daily discussions.

Teaching English at the High School Department for the past five years was quite a challenging journey for Bea. However, despite all of the adversities and challenges she encountered as an English teacher, her life’s mission to help children discover their own purpose compels her to continue blazing her own trail in her chosen path. Her willingness to learn from colleagues and from her students is what drives her to continue molding young minds and touching hearts.

More than just the soft and amiable exterior is a strong-spirited woman who values honesty both in her workplace and in her home. Aside from the genuine bliss she gets from the high marks and progress of her students, Bea also found love in a place where her passion resides. There is no doubt she will continue to blossom into the teacher she wishes to become with the doses of inspiration she gets from her loved ones, students, and from the many avenues for professional growth here in the university.

Believing that there is always more to life than what we presently perceive, Bea is dedicated and driven in everything she does. With her undeniable passion to teach for excellence coupled by a life of faith and confidence to the Almighty, she is indeed a reflection of what Silliman University stands for.

Describe yourself in three words.
Simple. Approachable. God-fearing.

What is your motto in life?
There’s always more than just here and now.

What makes you laugh?
My boyfriend’s childish antics.

What makes you cry?
Sad movies.

What’s your favorite time of the day and why?
Last period of class because I can relax a bit.

What’s your favorite day of the week and why?
day. It is family day for me.

What do you love doing when not working?
Playing online games (Hayday & Cooking Fever).

What is your favorite hangout place in the University?
SBE Faculty Lounge.

What makes you blush?
When people mistake me as a student.

Tell us a fact about yourself.
I have a pillow case I can’t sleep without.

What’s your favorite game growing up?
Pellet Guns.

What is your idea of a relaxing day?
A day without papers to check.

What is the first thing you do right after waking up in the morning?

What’s your idea of a family?
A family that values honesty and is supportive of each other.

At this point of your life, what for you is your life’s mission?
To help children see their purpose.

How do you like to be remembered as a teacher?
One who understands her colleagues and students.