Asst. Prof. Myrna S. Yape

Asst. Prof. Myrna S. Yape

With the blossoming of technology in this modern era, the continued struggle to instill the sense of national pride and identity has never been this grim. Serving as one of the frontrunners in preserving the national language in the minds and hearts of her students is Assistant Professor Myrna Sanico Yape, who is currently serving the University as a Filipino Professor for the last 28 years.

Born on the 28th day of May in the year 1958, Myrna is the youngest of eight children. Her childhood was a colorful splash of memories, having experienced playing with her neighbors and being regarded dearly by her parents and siblings. Her family lived a simple life – Her father was a driver and her mother was a housewife. Her parents never failed to instill in her the value of perseverance that is why she studied hard since elementary and finished High School with flying colors.

Her college life started as an Agriculture student. But after a year, she felt that it was not her calling. She shifted to Library Science and after being inspired by her Filipino mentors, Myrna decided to take a double major in both fields.

 “I believe my teachers saw some potential in me”, Myrna recalled as she narrated how  she spent her college days as a working student at the Silliman Library. Although full of trials and financial instabilities, Myrna was still able to finish her studies through her unwavering dedication and commitment. After teaching in a seminary for 5 years, Myrna was invited to work in Silliman. She started working in the Cataloging Section, and in the year 1990, she started teaching Filipino. Myrna finished her Master’s degree in Filipino in the year 2000.

Interestingly, Myrna found the love of her life during the town Fiesta of a nearby municipality. Being the last among her siblings to settle down, Myrna is a very loving and inspiring mother to his only son, who ultimately decided to follow her footsteps as a Filipino teacher. One can definitely see the happiness that seems to organically radiate from her every time she shares about her family and the values they live by every single day.

Regarded as one of the friendliest and most approachable teachers in the University, Myrna vowed to continue leaving a legacy in her students’ journey towards success. Embodying patience and a motherly approach to her teaching, Myrna is definitely every student’s favorite Filipino teacher.

Describe yourself in three words.
Patient. Friendly. Understanding.

What is your motto in life?
Simplicity is Beauty

What makes you laugh?
When I am with children.

What makes you cry?
When I see vendors in the street

What’s your favorite time of the day and why?
Early Morning, because it is when I pray.

What’s your favorite day of the week and why?
Saturday, because it is when I get to spend time with my family.

What do you love doing when not working?
ing novels and magazines.

What is your favorite hangout place in the University?
Katipunan Hall, My office

What makes you blush?
When my students ask me for love advice

If you were an actor, who would you be?
Sarah Geronimo

Tell us a fact about yourself.
I really look forward to family gatherings and reunions

What’s your favorite game growing up?
Bulan-bulan and Tayukok

What is your idea of a relaxing day?
A day in the Beach with my family.

What song best describes the YOU and the life you have now?
Count on Me by Bruno Mars

What is the first thing you do right after waking up in the morning?

What’s your idea of a family? 
A peaceful and united family who values love and understanding

At this point of your life, what for you is your life’s mission?
To teach and reach out to my students

How do you like to be remembered as a teacher?
A friendly and approachable teacher