19 Complete World Bank-Supported Course on Localizing Poverty Targets
A total of 19 professionals from Iloilo, Davao and Negros Oriental successfully completed the month-long online course, “Localizing Poverty Reduction Targets”.
The course, which started June 9, had four development discussions held on separate dates and hosted by three partner universities of the World Bank: Central Philippine University (CPU) in Iloilo, University of Southeastern Philippines (USEP) in Davao and Silliman University in Dumaguete.
Each development discussion featured resource persons who tackled poverty across interlocking issues related to employment, livelihood, health, education and climate resiliency. Each discussion was unique as it centered on best practices and challenges in addressing poverty on the local level, shifting focus from one local government to the next. Participants were connected to the host site via video conference.
Resource persons in the second to fourth development discussions came from local government units and civil society in Iloilo, Davao and Dumaguete. The first discussion, which Silliman hosted, provided a national perspective of poverty and development, with resource persons: Mr. Louie Limkin, economist, World Bank (“Poverty and Development”), Asst. Director Myrna Clara Asuncion, National Economic and Development Authority (“The National Development Agenda: Priorities, Challenges and Status”), Director Novel Bangsal, Congressional Policy and Budget and Research Dep’t, House of Representatives (“The Role of Legislation in National Development: Significant Policies and Policy Reforms Aimed at Poverty Reduction”), and Asst. Regional Director Ely Fernandez, Department of Interior and Local Government (“The Role of the Local Government Units in Achieving the National Development Agenda: Setting Local Targets and Mobilizing Public Participation”).
From around a hundred participants, only 19 made it to the final phase which required responses to questions that will serve as basis for a group position paper on how local government units in the Philippines can better address poverty. The same position paper will be endorsed to the World Bank and key national government agencies, including those represented during the first development discussion.
Serving as course administrators were Mr. Mark Raygan Garcia (lead; Silliman), Engr. Amy Castigador (CPU), Ms Resty Macarayo (USEP) and Jean de Pano (consultant, World Bank).
Congratulations to the 19 successful participants!