On Its 6th Year: CBA Wins Intramurals Championship
Proving its claim as the “home of the champions”, the College of Business Administration (CBA) clinches anew the championhip of the University Intramural Games that ran December 1 to 5. They have successfully held on to the title for the last five straight years; they did not pass up on the chance to hit their sixth this school year.
The intramurals brought out the competitive spirit among all students, further solidifying the bonds that forge them as academic units. In social media, on the athletic courts, in the cafeteria – everyone was abuzz with who was in the lead. From color-coded banners, synchronized cheers to the creative use of the ever-dependable kaldero (aluminum cooking pots) as cymbals – students all came prepared to make it big to the finish line.
Into the intramural games, the competition was tighter between CBA and the College of Engineering and Design (CED). But the team-up between the College of Education and the School of Education would later shift the excitement to it, displacing would-be engineers and architects from the much-coveted top two places.
In the end, “Team COE and SBE” climbed up to second spot. It tailed behind CBA by 45 points. CBA raked in a total of 380 points. CED ranked third with 305 points. Not to be left behind, the College of Arts and Sciences punched in at fourth place with 150 points.