Mrs. Milagros T. Guerrero

Mrs. Milagros T. Guerrero

Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never, ever have enough“.

These words from Oprah Winfrey perfectly reflect a life belief that has steered the journey of one woman throughout the years. Contentment is her key towards achieving a life of happiness. Her simplicity is a natural gift that has helped her put together the pieces of everything that has built and made her world a happy place to live in. This woman is Mrs. Milagros T. Guerrero or “Myles”, the Secretary of the Silliman University Church.

Myles was born in the bustling metropolis of Manila on November 28, 1954. Being the eldest among eight children, she knew she needed to prioritize her siblings before herself. This attribute is more of an inheritance from her parents who always instilled in her the value of sacrifice and contentment.

Her family had a store in the Sta. Mesa public market where Myles learned to work and earn money by selling eggs. Because life was not easy for them, she challenged herself to finish her studies so she could help put her siblings through school. This experience developed within her determination and focus at a young age.

With eyes set on her goals, Myles admits to being a loner when she was in elementary and high school. This hindered her from mingling with her classmates and having a circle of friends. After school was over, she would either go to the library to finish her assignments or proceed home. Myles finished elementary at the Pio del Pilar Elementary School in Sta. Mesa and completed high school at Victorino Mapa High School in Mendiola.

Like many young people, Myles also dreamt of achieving her “Manila Dream”. She once envisioned herself working in a bank or a company at a glamorous building in Makati. So she took up, and completed in 1975, Accountancy at the Philippine School of Business Administration.

Somehow, she considers herself a “late bloomer” in terms of socializing with peers and classmates in college. Although she was still as focused as before, college was marked with a few happy memories with friends and classmates. She had her eyes fixed on getting a job right after graduation. In her last semester in college, she applied for a job and was hired. Working at the collection department in a memorial plan company became her first job.

A year later, Myles joined the Family Savings Bank. There, she assumed many responsibilities – branch auditor, proof and control officer, teller, and many others. She enjoyed her job and was grateful for the professional training that it afforded her that she served the bank from 1976 to 2000. Over this span of time, Myles was able to help her siblings in their schooling.

Aside from gaining professional experience from the bank, it was also there where she met her partner in life. Her husband, Herbert, was an employee of one of their valued clients. They met in 1994 and exchanged vows two years later.

In 2000, Myles decided to file for early retirement. She wanted to fulfill her role as a mother to their child. So from the time she retired in 2000 until 2010, Myles was able to spend more time with her family and had more flexibility in pursuing what she wanted to do. Together with her husband, Myles ventured in small-scale businesses, including a bakery and a stall exhibit in malls. It was also during this period when Myles and her family became active in the UCCP church.

Soon after, they decided to relocate to Bayawan in Negros Oriental, the hometown of Hubert. It was a move made in consideration of the parents of Myles’ husband who are sickly. Being active in the UCCP church in Manila, Myles and her family would always attend services at the Silliman University Church. Little did she know that a simple announcement for a vacancy in the Silliman University Church office would pave the way for her to join Silliman University.

Myles has been with the Church for three years now. Her 17-year old daughter, Daphne, who is an honor student, is taking up Civil Engineering in Silliman.

Myles is truly an example of how simplicity and contentment bring happiness into one’s life. She is more than happy being in a place where she gets to live a life of service to God.

Describe yourself in three words.
Simple, Trustworthy, Patient

What is your motto in life?
Simplicity is beauty

What makes you laugh?

What makes you cry?
Serious problems in the family.

What’s your favorite time of the day and why?
After lunch. It’s the time I get to relax and unwind.

What’s your favorite day of the week and why?
day. It’s family day.

What do you love doing when not working?

What is your favorite hangout place in the University?
The Amphitheater.

If you were an actress, who would you be?
Raisa Soberano

What’s your favorite game growing up?

What is your idea of a relaxing day?
A day when I can recharge my energy.

What is the first thing you do right after waking up in the morning?
I pray.

What is your idea of a family?
A place where there is togetherness and unity.

At this point of your life, what for you is your life’s mission?
To maintain good health.

How do you like to be remembered as a teacher?
As a dedicated church worker.