Award-Winning Young Artists Share ‘Gift of Music’ at Luce
Winners of the prestigious National Music Competitions for Young Artists (NAMCYA) visited Silliman last July 13 to share their talents through a concert dubbed “Gift of Music.”
Featured in the said concert were Ms. Jade Rubis Riccio, soprano (2014 NAMCYA Second Prize Winner, Voice Category C and Best Interpretation of Competition Piece Award), Mr. Mhaze Danniel Lim (2015 NAMCYA Grand Prize and Special Prize Winner, Lower Strings [viola]), Mr. Andrew Constantino (2015 NAMCYA Grand Prize Winner, Woodwinds [clarinet]) and Mr. Kirk Allen Mallorca (2015 NAMCYA Honorable Mention and Special Prize Winner [piano]).
Organized by the Cultural Affairs Committee, the concert in Silliman was one of four done by the group all over the country. It was aimed at showcasing the young musicians and encouraging others to hone and pursue their artistic talents.
NAMCYA was formally organized in 1973 as a response to the need to develop and promote Philippine music, as well as to recognize the Filipinos’ innate love for music.