Mrs. Sabinita Piñero-Condicion

Mrs. Sabinita Piñero-Condicion

ImageYou’ve Got a Friend in Mommy Binks!

She never dreamt of becoming a psychologist. In fact she enrolled in the Silliman University College of Nursing back in the 80s and studied the course for 3 years, until she shifted to Psychology.

I don’t know what went into my head, but I found myself so interested and happy enrolling in that course”, she said.

Backed with a degree in Bachelor of Science in Psychology in 1987, she started working as a volunteer at the Shelter for Homeless Children, Inc. 

Later, she took a life-changing opportunity that had her deal with people from all walks of life, those that most would probably stay away from or have a condescending view of. That same opportunity proved to be her source of more growth and development in her chosen field. She says of her work as a psychometrician at the Philippine Mental Health Office for 7 years:  “It has been a bundle of growth and challenges”.

A Registered Guidance Councilor, Mrs. Sabinita Piñero-Condicion is the Guidance Counselor of the High School Department of the School of Basic Education. She is relatively new in the University, having joined the SBE team in June 2009, but her heart has long been with Silliman. 

Let’s get to know “Mommy Binks” more beyond the four corners of her room.


Describe yourself in three words.
Happy.Contented.Full of life!

What is your mantra in life?
Go! Go! Go! Believe in yourself and finish the race!

What makes you laugh/cry?
I laugh when I am blissful. I cry when I’m badly hurt and when things go wrong.

What’s your favorite time/day of the week? Why?
I like weekends because I can spend those days with myself and family.

What do you enjoy doing when not working?
Spend a little time talking to students, listening to their stories and laughing with them.

What is your favorite hang-out place in the University?

What makes you blush?
I blush when I’m flattered or embarrassed.

If you were an actor/actress, who would you be?
I would love to be like the well-respected veteran actress Susan Roces. She’s a good person and untouched by any gossips. She’s firm and she knows where she stands as an actress, a woman, a mother and a wife of the late Fernando Poe Jr.

Tell us a fact about yourself.
I never thought that one day I will become a Registered Guidance Counselor. It’s not in my dream to be in this profession. I was a nursing student here in Silliman for 3 years. I don’t know what crossed my mind, but I shifted to Psychology. I found myself so interested and very happy enrolling in the course. I finished BS Psychology in 1987 here in Silliman University.

What’s your favorite game growing up?

What is your idea of a relaxing day?
A relaxing day would be a day free from all the hassles and bustles of life.

What one thing would people be interested to know about you?
As a guidance counselor, people usually want to know how I handle my family, specifically my grown up kids.

What song best describes the YOU and the life you have now?
re are two songs that best describe me: on family, “I Won’t Last a Day without You”, and on my clients “You’ve got a Friend”.

What is the first thing you do right after waking up in the morning?
Of course, doing my personal necessity.

What’s your idea of a family?
In a family, there is love, harmony, understanding and acceptance.  Above all, a family stays together in faith with God’s love and blessings. 
