Atty. Fe Marie Dicen Tagle

Atty. Fe Marie Dicen Tagle

Everyone’s Nanay Is Loved For Her Comedic Acts

ImageThe “Nanay” of the family (immediate and extended) is like her favorite actress, Katherine Heigl — charming and humorous.

She collects cookbooks more often than she cooks. At her first attempt at baking pastry, her father commented: “Nak, lami-a man ani imong biscocho!” referring to what had mistakenly become a thick and crispy bread fresh from the oven. But she proudly shares: “One dessert I feel I have perfected is blueberry cheesecake, which I make during my lucid moments.” Maybe it was after realizing the importance of precision in cooking that out of her obsession for time management, she never forgets when she had the lechon delivered a day before their planned high school Christmas party.

This lady who holds a serious job of personnel management grew up playing “bagul”, a game that demands flexibility (a player is required to bend backwards in connecting her piece of tsinelas [rubber slippers] to the line of slippers from the other teammates). Along with this game were two other favorites: “Games of the Generals” and “Master Mind”. And while she may not be known as a singer on campus, Bryan Adam’s “Summer of 69” was a song she was as familiar with as the back of her palm; singing it was a pastime with neighbors and playmates.

Atty. Fe Marie Dicen Tagle, who is more known as “Ma’am Pinky” or “Atty. Tagle”, is the Manager of the Human Resource Development (HRD) office. She joined Silliman in 1997 as one of its Internal Auditors, and later served as Student Accounts Officer at the Utzurrum Business and Finance Center. In 2007, she was appointed to head the HRD office. This 2012 marks her 15th year with the University.

Let’s get to know Ma’am Pinky more beyond the four corners of her table.  

Describe yourself in three words.
Resilient. Funny. Bookworm.

What is your mantra in life? 
Got across this as young as in Grade 2. I still reflect on it every now and then: “I had no shoes and I murmured until I met a man with no feet.”

What makes you laugh/cry?
Family. My 2 wonderful and sprightly daughters, Cola and Naina. Their antics make up for a stressful day.



What’s your favorite time/day of the week and why?
Sunday – Family time!

What do you love doing when not working?
Bond with my family. My husband and I share  the same passion for movies. We're both movie buffs!    

What is your favorite hangout place in the University?
Board Room! (Hehe). Seriously, HRD Office (of course!).

What makes you blush?
I’m morena. I don’t blush.

If you were an actor/actress, who would you be?
I like those who act in feel-good movies. I like Katherine Heigl.

Tell us a fact about yourself?
I’m a chatter-box.

What’s your favorite game growing up?
Volleyball, bagul, Games of the General and Master Mind.

What is your idea of a relaxing day?
Waking up late. Eating out. Watching movies. Massage before sleep.

What one thing people would be interested to know about you?
I love to read. In elementary and high school, when my friends would come to our house to borrow books, they knew where to find them — under my bed!

I also eat chocolates whenever I travel by bus or van. They help take my mind off my churning stomach. And, this might sound weird, but I like freshly picked amplaya with salt.

ImageWhat song best describes the YOU and the life you have now?
“Music of My Heart” by Gloria Estefan and NSYNC, it is a song about gratefulness. I feel grateful for my family, friends and what they have done for me.

What is the first thing you do right after waking up in the morning?
Whisper a prayer.

What’s your idea of a family?
essence of a family is present when God’s love abounds.