REPORT: Actions Taken During the Earthquake

REPORT: Actions Taken During the Earthquake


  • At around 11:49AM, a magnitude 7 earthquake hit Dumaguete City.   That was the time when the regular Monday meeting with administrative staff of the Office of the President was about to be concluded.  The earthquake lasted about 15-30 seconds.
  • When the earthquake stopped, everyone was ordered to vacate all buildings.   People stayed in open grounds.   A general shutdown of power supply to the University was ordered.
  • At 12 noon, the University suspended classes and work in the afternoon.   The Buildings and Grounds (BG) Department was tasked to deploy teams to inspect all buildings and facilities for any damage.  Information on the suspension was sent via media, text messages to administrative heads for cascading to their immediate personnel and the University’s Facebook page.
  • The University deployed personnel, tents, fans and other assets to assist in the evacuation of hospital patients at the Silliman University Medical Center.
  • In the early afternoon of the same day, teams from the BG composed each of an engineer, electrician and plumber went around the campus to inspect the buildings.   In the same afternoon, representatives of the University also monitored the shorelines from the pier area up to Sibulan for possible unusual waves or tidal patterns.
  • The University’s rescue van was deployed around Dumaguete and Valencia to broadcast by public address system the need for people not to panic in the face of widespread rumors of a tsunami.   We did this with local disaster authorities.
  • At around 4:30 in the afternoon, President Malayang met with BG personnel who submitted their report.   The report cleared all the buildings of any damage.
  • At around 5 in the afternoon,  the University decided to resume classes the next day.  An announcement was made in the same manner that the information on the suspension of classes was disseminated.
  • Quick inspections of academic buildings were done early morning the next day, before classes resumed.   This was following the inspections done the day before.   The quick inspections were needed to check for effects of aftershocks.
  • Also the next daythe School of Basic Education underwent an earthquake drill.   Meetings were also conducted with dorm managers to discuss precautionary measures.
  • We continue to be on our toes for aftershocks.

We continue to pray for all families and communities in Tayasan, La Libertad and Guihulngan where most casualties and damage to properties occurred.