Human Resource

Human Resource

NOTE: “Leadership Reflections” shares views of the different members of the University Leadership Council on matters related to campus life and the operations of the University. As well, it features opinions on issues of national and/or international relevance.

Human Resource Development
Atty. Fe Marie D. Tagle, Human Resource Development Manager 

To a Human Resource Department of an institution, the month of March signals the storm of application letters coming from graduates who are eager to apply their knowledge in the work place.  This annual happening is viewed with much anticipation given the fact that acceptance of applicants is largely dependent on the manpower needs of the institution at a point in time

The HRD Office of Silliman University is not spared from this reality. Every year, the office receives about a hundred application letters in the months of March, April and May.  Although  the situation gives the University the perfect opportunity to select the best persons for the available jobs, it is just not possible to accommodate all applicants.  It has been noted that an average of 10% of the annual number of applicants have been engaged by the University.

It is helpful for an applicant to research about the institution and its job vacancies before preparing the application letter.  Information about the University's personnel needs in relation to its strategic thrusts can guide the applicant's assessment of his/her credentials to determine whether the same respond to these needs. Also, knowing the minimum requirements as prescribed by law for academic posts is important for those intending to apply as teachers, librarians, or counselors.

It  is submitted that the crucial step in the hiring process of the University is the preliminary selection where a short listing of applicants is done.This is the make or break of one's application.  It is important then for an applicant to ensure that the application letter/curriculum vitae outlines the needed degree, skills and knowledge even at a cursory reading of the same.  Otherwise, no employer would bother deciphering encrypted messages. 

Hurdling the recruitment process is indeed equally important for both the applicant and the employer.  To the former, it could mean a start of a lifetime career, and to the latter, it determines the quality of the workforce which ultimately defines the total productivity of the entity.