Entrepreneurship Professor Launches Book

Entrepreneurship Professor Launches Book

Dr. Stella F. Lezama, a professor at the College of Business Administration, launched February 7 her book, Entrepreneurship: Solving the Puzzle.

Entrepreneurship: Solving the Puzzle contains classroom exercises geared towards enriching a student’s understanding of entrepreneurship and the development of needed skills. It has also incorporated insights from known successful entrepreneurs in order to provide inspiration to students and depth to their practice.

“It is often said that to attain immortality, an individual has to do either of the following: plant a tree, mother a child, or write a book,” Dr. Lezama started her message during the book launching. “The first two were easy to do…The toughest to do is write a book because it is a solitary task.”

Dr. Lezama’s book is a product of years of research and surveys. It is localized to the Silliman setting and designed to suit the needs of business students in the University. (Adapted from the Weekly Sillimanian.)