Ms. Emilia M. Ablir (“Ning”)

Ms. Emilia M. Ablir (“Ning”)


Whatever it is that life presents to her, she offers a smile. And such has been her endearing characteristic that has made her popular among students whom she calls “Ning” and who call her back…”Ning”. 

This woman is no ordinary woman. Anyone who has found himself or herself in the long queue at the Cafeteria during lunchtime would have encountered her. She can't let you pass unless at least after informing you how much your food costs. 

She is Emilia M. Ablir, a cashier at the Cafeteria, known to students as “Ning”. 

The road to her position now was relatively a long one. She has been with the University for 21 years already, and while she only finished secondary education, she has gradually found herself taking on the ladder, one step at a time. 

Emilia joined Silliman in 1991 and held various positions during her first five years: a food server in the dormitories, cleaner of the Cafeteria comfort rooms and counter assistant. ?Gi-antos gyud ko na tanan para rajud ma regular ko (I had to endure everything just to become a regular staff).” It wasn?t until 1996 that she assigned as cashier at the canteen at the High School Department. It was only three years ago when she was called back to the main Cafeteria to serve as cashier. 

Happily married, Emilia has four children Troy, Elmer, Celeste and Dennis. She tells of her family: ?Malipayon raman akong pamilya, bisan may mga problema. Kanang mga trials masulbad raman na.  Dili na matawag nga pamilya kung walay problema. (I have a happy family even if we encounter problems. But these are problems that can be solved. After all, what is a family without facing and doing something about problems that come your way.).”

Let?s get to know more about Emilia.


Describe yourself in three words.
Hardworking. Respectful. Jolly.

What is your mantra in life?
A day without laughter is a day wasted.

What makes you laugh/cry?
A lot of things.

What?s your favorite time/day of the week and why?
Every morning of Wednesdays — that's when I feel all the positive vibes. 

What do you love doing when not working?
Cleaning the house.

What is your favorite hangout place in the University?

What makes you blush?
My eight grandchildren.

If you were an actor/actress, who would you be?
ma Moreno.

Tell us a fact about yourself.
I am a happy person.

What?s your favorite game growing up?

What is your idea of a relaxing day?
It is when I am in the church and meditating in front of our Lord.

ImageWhat one thing would people be interested to know about you?
I easily get happy.

What song best describes the YOU and the life you have now?
Any of Eddie Perigrino songs.

What is the first thing you do right after waking up in the morning?
Clean up my bed, wash my face and ?magyabo ug arinola?.

What?s your idea of a family?
A happy family.