Former Stanford U Poetry Fellow is 2nd Tiempo Lecturer
A renowned Filipino poet graces the Edilberto K. and Edith L. Tiempo Creative Writing Center Lecture Series as its second speaker.
Poet Mr. Fidelito Cortes will discuss the topic “The Poetry of Everyday Things: Poetics and the World” on July 12 at the Dioscoro Rabor Lecture Room of the Science Complex.
He will draw insights from his vast experience in creative writing and his published works, among them, his first book of poems, Waiting for the Exterminator, which received the National Book Award from the Manila Critic’s Circle.
(Screenshot from: Panitikan.com.ph)
A former Stegner Fellow in poetry at Stanford University, Mr. Cortes is currently in the University to facilitate a literary workshop for three Saturdays (July 30, July 7 and July 14).