Prof. Rosalia M. Lopez

Prof. Rosalia M. Lopez

ImageThe beauty of a Filipina never fades; even as she adds more years to her age, she does it gracefully. Just like this Rose from the Filipino Department who has already retired last May and now serves as an Adjunct Professor — she still manages to release a youthful glow from within and radiates a pleasing aura to her fellow teachers and students inside her office and classroom.

This modern-day Pinay is Prof. Rosalia M. Lopez, a Filipino professor who considers developing within her students a deep sense of nationalism a continuing battle. She says, “May sariling wika tayo, bakit hindi natin gamitin iyon at ipagmalaki sa lahat na tayo ay mga Pilipino? Sayang lang ang ginawang paraan ni Manuel L. Quezon upang tayo ay magkakaunwaan kung hindi natin gagamitin.” (We have our own language, why don't we use it and be proud to be Filipinos? Manuel L. Quezon’s effort for us to understand each other will just be wasted if we will not use it.)

But more than her being a present-daykasapi” of the Katipunan, she also has her softer side. Her reserved and amusing characteristics make her a Maria Clara in the age of technological advancement. 

She recalled that there was a time when she told someone her age, and that person did not believe her because she thought she looked younger. Asked what is her secret, she reveals: “Dapat lagi ka lang masaya at huwag mong dibdibin ang iyong problema. Manalig ka lang sa Diyos at ikaw ay tutulungan niya.”  (Always be happy and don't be too serious about your problems. Have faith in God; He will help you.) Her smile is one of her best assets. To remind her to smile always, on her table is a paper containing a word she wrote: “smile”. “Smile and the world will also smile at you!” she said.

Walking down memory lane, she points at 1973 a very special year for her. It was in this year when she received two treasures in her life: her bachelor's degree in Secondary Education major in Filipino from Foundation University and her marriage with her Dr. Rudy Lopez, who currently teaches at the College of Education.

Rose and Rudy are blessed with three children: Joseph Rey who is echanical engineer, Marjorie Rose who is a nurse, and Richmund, a civil engineer.

Let's get to know more about Rose:

ImageDescribe yourself in three words.
God-fearing. Joyful. Passionate

What is your mantra in life?
Always pray.

What makes you laugh/cry?
I laugh when I am successful. I cry when I fail to achieve what I am aiming for.

What’s your favorite time/day of the week and why?
Sunday, because it is the day of the Lord.

What do you love doing when not working?
Watch television and beautify my garden.

What is your favorite hangout place in the University?
My office.

What makes you blush?

If you were an actor/actress, who would you be?
Vilma Santos.

Tell us a fact about yourself?
I am a religious person.

What’s your favorite game growing up?
None, but I love dancing.

ImageWhat is your idea of a relaxing day?
Reading the Bible.

What one thing would people be interested to know about you?
I am already 65 years old. But nobody will believe it because they say I still look young.

What song best describes the YOU and the life you have now?
“Only You”

What is the first thing you do right after waking up in the morning?
Go in front of the altar and pray.

What’s your idea of a family?
A happy family.





(NOTE: “Colleague of the Week'” serves as a window into the life of the faculty and staff members of Silliman University. It seeks to showcase colleagues from different departments and units, and present them as “the” faces that form part of the foundation of Silliman. Featured weekly are faculty and staff who have committed themselves to providing members of the Silliman community a campus experience that cultivates competence, character and faith within one and all. We get to know them as people who like any of us also have their fair share of challenges, successes, and an inspiring story to tell. Not all of them may be popular, but not a single one of them lives a life without hope and meaning to share.)