Asst. Prof. Jesa S. Selibio

Asst. Prof. Jesa S. Selibio

ImageAssistant Professor Jesa S. Selibio of the History-Polictical Science Department holds three careers in life; two of which she spends at home. She is a teacher in the morning, and a wife and a mother in the evening.

She admits to being reasonably strict in class, sharing how students have the tendency to abuse their teachers when they feel they can easily get away with things. Rules are set at the start of the semester for her students to be guided by.

When she talks, she wants all ears on her. “When I start opening my mouth, I want everybody to listen. When they don't, I call their attention,” Jesa shares. 

But while she could be tough on her students, Jesa never wants to pen a failing grade.

“I exhaust all means to help them.  I don’t fail students,” she reveals.

Looking back, Jesa is convinced that she was able to become the best teacher that she could be to her students.

“I can say that I was able to experience a lot of things and hardships already. But at this age now, I believe that I was able to deliver all the goods and the things intended for my students,” she says.

Being a teacher is a ministry for Jesa. She believes that teaching is the noblest profession — one has to have dedication. 

“It’s the satisfaction that matters in what you are doing. And you can tell that I am already the happiest person in the world!” she proudly declares.

Jesa obtained her degrees in Bachelor of Arts in Political Science and Master of Arts in History from Silliman University  in 1986 and 1994, respectively. She is currently pursuing her degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Social Sciences.

It was in 1986 when she joined Silliman as a Graduate Teaching Fellow. She later became coordinator for the Southeast Asian Studies Program in 2003, and was appointed Chairperson of the History-ImagePolitical Science Department in 2011.

At home, Jesa is conscious of her responsibilities as the manager of the house and her commitments to her husband, Grasfel, whom she likens to a governor. She oversees the finances of the household, and does the cooking and laundry.

She also gives quality time to her children, Jaime Miguel and Cheska Antonia. Despite her busy schedule, she talks with them, hears out their stories and problems, and helps them with their assignments and projects.

What guides Jesa through her life journey has always been the obedience and love that she has shown to her parents. “They are the best persons who can give you advice. They are the people who can best support you,” she says.

Let’s get to know Jesa better.

Describe yourself in three words.
Simple and everything. 

What is your mantra in life?
Work hard to achieve your dreams in life.

What makes you laugh/cry?
I laugh when I am with friends. I cry when  a member of the family is sick or confronted with problems.

What’s your favorite time/day of the week and why?
day, because we can go to church together with my family and relax in the afternoon.

ImageWhat do you love doing when not working?
I love to attend to my plants in the garden. I also love to clean my room.

What is your favorite hangout place in the University?
My office.

What makes you blush?
When I am disappointed at something.

If you were an actor/actress, who would you be?
Vilma Santos.

Tell us a fact about yourself?
I am very frank and I hate people who don’t have any principles in life.

What’s your favorite game growing up?

What is your idea of a relaxing day?
When I am talking with my colleagues about anything but lessons.

What one thing would people be intImageerested to know about you?
People should know that I am really kind and helpful to my students. I look strict but I am willing to serve and be of great help to my students.

What song best describes the YOU and the life you have now?
Love songs, and those by the Carpenters and Bread.

What is the first thing you do right after waking up in the morning?
I pray and go to the bathroom afterwards.

What’s your idea of a family?
One that prays together, listens to each other, and is always there even when there are problems.

(NOTE: “Colleague of the Week'” serves as a window into the life of the faculty and staff members of Silliman University. It seeks to showcase colleagues from different departments and units, and present them as “the” faces that form part of the foundation of Silliman. Featured weekly are faculty and staff who have committed themselves to providing members of the Silliman community a campus experience that cultivates competence, character and faith within one and all. We get to know them as people who like any of us also have their fair share of challenges, successes, and an inspiring story to tell. Not all of them may be popular, but not a single one of them lives a life without hope and meaning to share.)