Mr. Larry Vincent C. Regencia

Mr. Larry Vincent C. Regencia

ImageJust like many Sillimanians coming from other parts of the country, Larry Vincent C. Regencia had to leave the comforts of his Dipolog home to study in the University. It was a decision of an obedient son to parents who believe in the value of a Silliman education. 

Larry at 31 is now a full-time faculty member at the College of Business Administration (CBA). 

According to him, he has no regrets in choosing to study at Silliman University. “It somehow brought me to a place where I can be more nurtured in such a way that there’s a balance of spiritual life, academic life and social activities, especially when I was staying at the dorm.”

He is one of many who benefited from the dormitory life on campus, describing his experience at his “home away from home” as among his most unique and memorable. It was at the dorm where he learned a lot of things and had fun with fellow dormers, some of them he recalls were creatively defiant of dorm rules. “We learned to value people and friends. We learned to interact with people of different personalities and origins,” he shares. 

Coming from a religious family, Larry admits that his spiritual life was greatly enriched during his stay at the dormitory. He recounts the devotions and sunrise services he never failed to attend. For him, he found comfort and peace from those activities. 

Larry graduated in 2003 with a degree of Bachelor of Science in Business Computer Applications (BSBCA).  He then left for Manila to work in a Business Process Outsourcing company. After a year, he realized that Manila was not an ideal place for him. He also decided to pursue further studies.

He came back to Dumaguete and worked as a faculty member at another school in the city. He also tried his luck with freelance programming jobs. It was in May 2006 when an opportunity popped up for him to work in Silliman at the newly established Medical School. Later in 2009, he filled a vacancy at the Office of the Internal Auditor. 

When Larry was in college, he already saw himself as a teacher. This may have become one of the driving forces that led him to consider being an instructor at the CBA, becoming full-time last year. He teaches computer subjects and IT audit to BS BCA students and Accountancy majors. 

In the quest for greater knowledge, he earned his Masters of Business Administration (MBA) degree from Silliman University last year. He pursued his MBA on top of his load of work. “Going for an MBA gave me a chance to learn more, widen my knowledge, deepen my understanding of how these companies in the real world really work. There are a lot of things we could learn if we engage more into something.”

For Larry, the greatest achievement of a mentor is when he has delivered the best to his students, and when his students are able to grasp with conviction the lessons which are often hard to tackle.

ImageHe believes that students could learn more if they spend more time in studying.

Remembering his past, Larry says he could have learned a lot of things if he was more discerning with the time that he had. But he holds no regrets. He adds, if only one exerts more effort in doing things, one will benefit from an experience of learning — the same experience that will guide him or her in making decisions and achieving what he or she wants in the future. 

Lastly, apart from being a teacher and a husband to his wife, Maricris Joy Tan, he considers himself a servant to God and to other people, including the rest of his family and friends.

Let’s get to know Larry more

Describe yourself in three words.
Loving. Hardworking. God-fearing.   

What is your mantra in life?
“Never be a quitter.” “Dedicate all your endeavors to God.”

What makes you laugh/cry?
I laugh at simple jokes. I cry when I encounter situations that involve relationships that are broken.  

What’s your favorite time/day of the week and why?
Lunch break is a time to take some rest. I also am looking forward to weekends which I usually spend with my family to go somewhere, eat together and have some family bonding.  

What do you love doing when not working?
Watch movies and online shopping.

What is your favorite hangout place in the University?
MBA Room at the College of Business Administration.

What makes you blush?
Probably, I blush when my wife makes some flattering comments. 

If you were an actor/actress, who would you be?
Steven Seagal.  

ImageTell us a fact about yourself?
I love music but don’t let me sing. It’s something I wanted to do but my voice doesn’t allow me.

What’s your favorite game growing up?
Syatong, Litik and Marbles.

What is your idea of a relaxing day?
No text or call from the office, or no client calls.

What one thing would people be interested to know about you?
I am a very obedient person.

What song best describes the YOU and the life you have now?
“I Will Survive.”

What is the first thing you do right after waking up in the morning?
Take a bath.

What’s your idea of a family? 
They are those people who are always there for you.


(NOTE: “Colleague of the Week'” serves as a window into the life of the faculty and staff members of Silliman University. It seeks to showcase colleagues from different departments and units, and present them as “the” faces that form part of the foundation of Silliman. Featured weekly are faculty and staff who have committed themselves to providing members of the Silliman community a campus experience that cultivates competence, character and faith within one and all. We get to know them as people who like any of us also have their fair share of challenges, successes, and an inspiring story to tell. Not all of them may be popular, but not a single one of them lives a life without hope and meaning to share.)