Internet Access Made Easy in 45 Wi-Fi Areas on Campus
You can now access the internet on just about anywhere on the Silliman campus.
The University has designated 45 areas where students, faculty, staff and guests can conveniently browse the internet on their laptops or handheld devices. Campus-wide connection for this purpose runs on a guaranteed bandwidth of 30mbps.
All 45 areas (listed below) can be accessed by students and regular faculty and staff members of the University, using the following log-in details:
- Username: ID number
- Password: Date of birth (mmddyyy) [example: 012589].
Faculty / Staff
- Username: TIN (tax identification number)
- Password: Date of birth (mmddyyy) [example: 012589].
Some areas have been made available for open access to guests. These areas require guests to confirm their acceptance of the terms and conditions of the free use of wireless internet.
The University's wi-fi densification program is supervised by the Management Information Systems unit headed by Officer-in-Charge Mr. Percival M. Genove.
The following are the designated wi-fi areas (those in green provide open access):
- Silliman University Church Office
- Udabre Memory Channel
- New Early Childhood Hall
- Oriental Hall
- Hibbard Hall
- Lecture Hall Science Complex
- Uytengsu Computer Center Extension
- Uytengsu Computer Center
- Villareal Hall
- Mary Marques Smith Hall
- Faculty Ladies Hall 2
- Nursing Education Building
- Home Economics Building
- Home Economics Extension
- Arts and Sciences Building
- Katipunan Hall
- Cafeteria (main)
- Alumni Hall
- Engineering Building
- Uytengsu Hall (Engineering)
- Charles Bachelor Building
- Guy Hall
- University House
- Assembly Hall
- Administration Building
- Elementary School Building
- Buildings and Grounds
- College of Performing and Visual Arts Buildings
- Luce Auditorium
- College of Nursing (main)
- Main Library
- Gymnasium
- Instructional Media and Technology Center
- Alice Fullerton Hall
- College of Business Administration Building
- McKinley Hall
- Rodriguez Hall
- High School (main building)
- High School (alumni-donated building)
- High School (extension)
- Raj Kummarhessaram Memorial Library
- High School Canteen
- High School HE Building
- High School Additional Classrooms
- High School Gardening Classroom