97 Graduate from SAITE Certificate Courses
The School of Agro-Industrial and Technical Education (SAITE) graduates a total of 97 scholars enrolled in four of their certificate courses, on June 14 at the Instructional Media and Technology Center.
There are 23 who completed the Career Entry Course for Software Developers NC IV, 24 for Contact Center Services NC II, and 25 each for the Animal Production (Swine) NC II and Bread and Pastry NC II.
SAITE works in close coordination with the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority of the Philippine government in the administration of its certificate courses, and also to facilitate better livelihood or employment opportunities for its graduates. Most of the scholars in SAITE have only completed high school.
(File photo: During the graduation of the first batch of scholars of the School of Agro-Industrial and Technical Education last September 2014.)