Asst. Prof. Victor Emmanuel H. Enario

Asst. Prof. Victor Emmanuel H. Enario

Some consider the study of history and political science as boring, owing to the memorization that subject exams often entail. But to those who had the chance to be under this professor — who's equally known for his love of shoes — their journey through the stages of national life back in college had never fallen short of the adjective fun. 

ImageAsst. Prof. Victor Emmanuel H. Enario, from the History and Political Science Department, has mastered the art of teaching history and political science. His command of the language and the humor that he infuses in his every discussion make for a unique yet effective delivery of lessons.

Victor is a “true red” Sillimanian. He spent his kindergarten up until college years in the University. His schooling in Silliman was not an ideal choice among his relatives. Everyone in the family is a Roman Catholic — and most of those before him pursued their education in Catholic schools. But his parents deviated from the “trend” and enrolled him in a Protestant-affiliated university. Victor would then be the first in his family to have done so.

After graduating with a degree in Political Science in 1993, Victor was invited by Prof. Carlos Magtolis, Jr., then Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, to teach as a part-time faculty while pursuing further studies on a graduate teaching fellowship. He grabbed it. A year later, he joined the College as a full-time faculty.

Witty and analytical, Victor admits to have wanted to proceed to law school right after graduating from college. Teaching never crossed his mind. But the opportunity that was presented to him made him ponder on what was ahead of him with what he was already enjoying. Gaining momentum in the academe, he thought of pushing himself further to enhance what he had right before him. He pursued a master's in history from the University and completed it in 1999.

Victor exudes confidence as he handles his class. But he shares the scenario before was not the same. He experienced questioning his teaching methods and being nervous in front of his students. Over time, however, he mastered the art of effective persuasion and developed the charisma that earned him the admiration of his students.

“Teaching is a unique experience of touching lives in a simple way,”  he says of the impact of his profession. “I never expected to be where I am now. It was never a straight path; I had to wiggle through a lot of challenges along the way.”

ImageOne reason why Victor is grateful for his current work is the rich relationships that he has cultivated with his colleagues and students, whom he considers his friends even after their college days.    

After 20 years of teaching, Victor maintains the drive to teach. He draws rich insights from his daily interaction with students and spins every challenge into an opportunity to share the best of himself. At the end of each day, he feels rewarded and fulfilled for bringing to the consciousness of his students materials that are often read in the newspapers and books, or seen on TV.

“Every day is a social experience. And the learning that you derive from each day makes you reflect on power structures, personalities, diverse culture and society,” Victor says.  

A devout Catholic, Victor continues to serve the church as a member of the choir and of the Living Faith Singers at the Redemptorist Parish since he was a freshman in college. He shares that the training he had received in high school as a member of the Junior Glee Club developed his fondness for singing in a group.

Victor is also athletic. He finds time to play basketball to keep up with his physical activities. To many, especially his students, his fascination with shoes, particularly rubber shoes, hardly comes unnoticed.

Now in his 40s, Victor plans to settle down next year with his girlfriend who is based in the United States. He dreams of building a big family, aware of the pros and cons of himself being an only child. When not in touch with his girlfriend, he turns to his seven dogs which company he describes as “stress-relieving”.

Let's get to know Victor more.

Describe yourself in three words.

Character-based (man). 

What is your mantra in life?
“Be focused.” 

What makes you laugh/cry?
I laugh at simple things and cry at life’s lessons. 

What’s your favorite time/day of the week and why?
I love weekends. That's when I can do my household activities. I also enjoy staying up late or waking up at dawn to be on Skype with my girlfriend who resides in the United States now. 

What do you love doing when not working?
books. Watch movies and TV shows. Play with my seven dogs. 

What is your favorite hangout place in the University?
History and Political Science Department. 

What makes you blush?
When I receive real and assumed compliments. 

If you were an actor/actress, who would you be?
Clint Eastwood 

Tell us a fact about yourself?
I love my family. I don’t know the feeling of having siblings. 

ImageWhat’s your favorite game growing up?

What is your idea of a relaxing day?
Sitting down while watching TV… drinking coffee and dunking the pan de sal in the coffee… stroking my dogs’ heads. 

What one thing would people be interested to know about you?
I talk to them at a level that they can open up with me. 

What song best describes the YOU and the life you have now?
“Heaven Knows.” 

What is the first thing you do right after waking up in the morning?
Brush my teeth.  

What’s your idea of a family?