Alumni Letter August 2013

Alumni Letter August 2013



The 112th Founders Day celebration is still fresh in our memory, and that we made it through from the preparations to the actual implementation of the planned activities awes us. As we lift up Christ in thanksgiving for a safe and well-attended TIPON International we are reminded that He is always in control. The Lord gave us good weather to make it happen smoothly. It was heart-warming to welcome and assist alumni and friends of Silliman during the whole stretch of activities from TIPON International all the way to Founders Day. To the international alumni, we say thank you for visiting us. To the alumni coming from all points of the country, we thank you for your presence on campus that kept the Silliman Spirit aflame.

ImageThe TIPON International Welcome at Tierra Alta and the Gala Night at the Negros Oriental Convention Center went very well. Everyone enjoyed the night. The menu was in good taste and many were on their feet dancing to the band’s live music. Congratulations to all who made these events a winner.  Special mention goes to Betsy Merto-Engle and Betsy Joy B. Tan, TIPON Silliman 2013

Committee Co-Chairs, Gideon Alegado, SUACONA Chair, and Jocelyn S. Dela Cruz, TIPON International 2013 Coordinator, for a job well done. We also say thank you to the countless individuals who worked hard and put in their share for TIPON’s success.  May they be blessed bountifully for their generosity of time and selfless dedication.

Since 1962, Silliman University has been paying tribute to Silliman Alumni who, guided by the ideals of Via, Veritas, Vita, have made their mark in their respective fields. We feature here the 4 Outstanding Sillimanian Awardees for 2013:



A graduate (Bachelor of Law) of Silliman University in 1986, Jeoffre W. Acebido has gained a reputation for being a no-nonsense judge.  Trial lawyers who have had professional dealings with him know too well that he does not tolerate tardiness and has no patience for incompetence.  Consequently, his court is considered to be one of the most effectively managed Regional Trial Courts of Misamis Oriental.

Committed to excellence, Acebido demonstrates a profound knowledge of the law as reflected in his well-written  court decisions, some of which are considered among the best in the Philippines.

His competence, effectiveness, and efficiency as a judge have caught the attention of the Supreme Court and the Society for Judicial Excellence, which conferred upon him the 2011 Chief Justice Cayetano Arellano Award for Judicial Excellence for being an Outstanding Regional Trial Court Judge in the Philippines.

Currently, Acebido is the presiding judge of Branch 41, Regional Trial Court of Misamis Oriental of the 10th Judicial Region.  He unceasingly promotes excellence not only in his court but also in his classroom where he mentors future lawyers.


Evangelyn Ceriales-Alocilja has devoted her life to scholarship.  After she graduated from Silliman in 1973 with a degree in BS Chemistry, cum laude, she worked hard to further her knowledge.  Since then, she has earned a graduate degree in Soil Chemistry and Plant Physiology from the University of the Philippines, graduate and post-graduate degrees in Systems Science and Electrical Engineering, and a post-doctoral degree in Biosystems Engineering from Michigan State University (MSU).  Currently, she is a full professor at the Department of Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering of Michigan State University.

Alocilja is an established academician, researcher, innovator, and writer.  As an academic scholar, Alocilja was instrumental in helping her department at MSU change the academic curriculum from the traditional agricultural engineering to a biosystems program, one that applies engineering sciences to solve problems involving biological systems. Believing that biosystems has the potential for alleviating the condition of people’s lives, she has researched on the topic and has published her works in reputable journals.  As an innovator, Alcocilja’s invention has singularly been considered “revolutionary in its approach, thoughtful in its design, and a true game-changer as it relates to usefulness in the market.”  The nanoparticle-based testing platform that she initially developed and is now being commercialized by a company called nanoRETE will prevent deaths caused by food-borne pathogens.

Not only is Alcocilja an accomplished scholar and mentor, she is also an exceptional humanitarian, helping international students and their families adjust and succeed in the US.


In the early 80s, Dely Po-Go established herself as a staff nurse at St. Anne Medical Center in Cadiz and then as acting supervisor of Chong Hua Hospital Operating Room in Cebu.  However, an unfortunate event in 1986 made her and her family decide to immigrate to the United States.

Go arrived in the US with a few dollars in her pocket and a stronger faith in God.  Although she struggled at first, it did not take long for her to adjust to her new country and new work place.  In a short span of time, she became the Assistant Director of Nursing of Cedar Grove Nursing Home and the Resource Person of St. Joseph’s Regional Hospital and Medical Center in New Jersey.

In 2000, when the nursing shortage became overwhelming, Go saw an opportunity and established Nursing Network, Limited Liability Company, a health care services company.  With her leadership, the company flourished and was able to hire a number of health care employees.  Her contribution did not go unnoticed as two years after she began her company, she was awarded the Philippine Nurses Association of New Jersey Nurse Entrepreneur of the Year.

In 2007, she was granted by the New Jersey Board of Nursing, Department of Education, and Department of Labor and Workforce to open the American Vocational Technology (AVTECH) and Allied Health, a school that aims to give students an opportunity to become part of the nursing profession.

Two years after, Go and her friends opened Bridges to Success, a nonprofit ambulatory care services and food pantry for the poor and the needy.

Go went to the US to take refuge and to start a new life.  Who would have thought that her new life allowed others to realize their American dreams?

Go graduated from Silliman with a degree in Nursing in 1978.  She holds a Master of Science in Nursing (summa cum laude) and a Doctor of Nursing Practice (summa cum laude) degree from Fairleigh Dickinson University.


Aurelio P. Ramos, Jr.’s story is a classic tale of a determined person beating all odds and emerging as a victor amid all adversities.  Born to poverty, Ramos has always displayed a positive outlook in life.  Despite his family’s unfortunate circumstance, he dreamt of studying at Silliman, which is miles away from his hometown. He was able to realize this when he got a scholarship to enroll in the University upon the prodding of an English teacher, who happened to be an alumna of Silliman and someone whom Ramos looked up to.  After years of hard work and sacrifices, he graduated from the University with a degree in BS Mathematics, cum laude in 1973.  Always in love with learning, he pursued further studies in Ateneo de Manila University and the University of the Philippines.

Intelligent and driven, Ramos could have pursued a different career path, but he stayed in the academe and taught Mathematics.  When he had saved enough money, he established the Loyola Student Center, which to this day, offers comprehensive tutorials and review.  Not long after, he established the Berea Arts and Sciences High School, which offers a unique curriculum that integrates both the arts and the sciences.  The successes of both ventures have made Ramos not only an academician but an entrepreneur.  However, unlike most entrepreneurs whose eyes are only on profit, Ramos considers his businesses as avenues that enable him to help others.  He continually offers scholarships to deserving students in his school, and he has helped students realize a holistic education in Silliman through scholarships coursed through the SU Cooperative.


The 112th Founders Day Parada Sillimaniana had the active participation of 29 reunioning classes last August 27, 2013.  TheImage Alumni and External Affairs Office made sure of an orderly parade, by briefing all participating classes in advance.  During the August 28, 2013 TIPON Dumaguete Alumni and Community Fellowship Night, the Parada Sillimanian awards for alumni participation were announced and trophies were given out.  The following winners were: SUHS Class 1983 – Best Float, SUHS Class 1973 –

Best in Gimmick, SU Alumni Chapter-United Kingdom – Best Alumni Chapter Participation and SUHS Class 1968 & 1993 – Best in T-shirt. The Alumni Affairs would like to thank Dr. Sylvester B. Almiron, Jr. for the trophies. We wish to thank SUHS Class 1953 and SUHS Class 1963 for their enthusiastic participation in the parada celebrating their 60th year and 50th  year reunion respectively.

The Alumni Directors Portraits were formally unveiled last August 23, 2013 at the Alumni Hall.


A ballet number accompanied by a banduria trio artistically unveiled the oil in canvass portraits. Commissioned artist Miss Onna Rhea Quizo is a pioneer graduate (2013) of the Fine Arts course in the College of Performing and Visual Arts. Her work was well-received by former Alumni and External Affairs Directors present and their families. These portraits honor the hard work and tireless efforts of past directors in making the alumni play an important part in Silliman today.

The Alumni Director portraits are of Mr. Henry Roy Bell 1954-1958,Clemente V. Espejo 1958-1961, Atty. Benjamin C. Corsino 1961-1967, Atty. Samuel A. Malayang 1967-1970; 1971-1984, Atty. Renato F. Gutierrez 1970-1971, Ms. Ludy Salatandre Perez 1984-1998, Prof. Jocelyn Somoza dela Cruz 1998-2012 and Mr. Moses Joshua B. Atega 1997-1998; 2012-2013.

The Pamahaw Sillimanian is now a yearly Founders Day treat to all visiting alumni and friends. Last ImageAugust it ran for 3 consecutive mornings, the 24th, 25th and 26th at the University House (formerly the President’s Home). The traditional Filipino breakfast consisted of tsokolate, bubud, mango, puto, chorizo, egg, fried bananas, boiled bananas, camote, which, was SU Cafeteria’s breakfast spread.  It was a great opportunity to have breakfast and reconnect with fellow alumni. An insider tip, next time you are on campus for Founders Day, don’t miss this Pamahaw, it’s a perfect time to reunite with family and friends, classmates, teachers and acquaintances from way back, breakfast included! 

Heritage Builders

Silliman University recognizes its personnel as a primary moving force behind its existence of more than 100 years, and the recognition of Heritage Builders is given to faculty and staff members who have gone ahead of us. These individuals have exemplified competence, character and faith in their service to the university, and have manifested the best inspiration and example of what it is to be a true Sillimanian.  Our Heritage Builders for 2013 are: Democrito G. Abbot (1946-1984) food services; Estanislao L. Alviola Jr. (1952-1988) coordinator, Office of the General Services; Macario B. Banagodos (1932-1970) maintenance, Larena Hall; Montserrat A. Dato (1948-1988) Assoc. Prof., College of Law; Cristina T. Decenteceo (1947-1976) Assoc. Prof., College of Education; Zoe R. Lopez (1945-1992) Assoc. Prof., School of Music & Fine Arts, Narciso P. Majarocon (1938-1982) Assoc. Prof., College of Business Administration;  Apolonio N. & Maura B. Molina (1922-1949) Registrar Pioneer/Bible Teachers; Lope G. Navarrete (1911-1951) Mathematics Department; Felisa S. Orcia (1938-1975) Matron, Nurses Home; Lorenzo D. Pa-a (1946-1985) Maintenance, SU Church; Teodorico R. Reyes (1941-1980) University Legal Counsel; and Louis C. & Mary S. Winternheimer (1923-1947) Chemistry Pioneer, Acting President/Dean of Students.

The Founders Day highlights in tradition had the following winners:

HIBALAG Booth Festival, Booth of the Year  – Beta Sigma; Best  in Gimmick – Cuernos de Negros, Best in Exhibit – Aggies Club; Best in Design – Agusan Sillimanites and Chemical Society; MISS SILLIMAN 2013 –  Greenette Gael Tuazon of the College of Mass Communication; CHEERING CONTEST champion – College of Engineering.

During the recent Silliman Alumni Association, Inc. (SAAI) Annual Convention on August 26, 2013, the National Board of SAAI elected a new set of officers. They are: President – Ambassador Antonio P. Villamor; Vice President – Atty. Mikail Lee L. Maxino; Executive Secretary – Yolanda E.L.S. Valente-Maxino; Treasurer – Judge Rafael Crescencio C. Tan, Jr.; Auditor – Mr. Roberto D. Montebon; and Press Relations Officer – Mrs. Linda Bañas-Alvarez. Directors for Luzon: Mrs. Gloria P. Belarmino, Atty. Manuel James K. Raterta and Amb. Antonio P. Villamor; Directors for Mindanao: Mrs. Angeline Bacal-Guarin, Dr. Hilario Abel B. Gomez and Mrs. Linda Bañas-Alvarez; Directors for Western Visayas: Prof. Ceasar L. Pacalioga, Dr. Mae De los Reyes-Catacutan and Mrs. Nanette Liberal-Abuan; Directors At-Large: Prof. Santiago B. Utzurrum, Jr. and Judge Rafael Crescencio C. Tan, Jr.

Reminder to all Alumni Chapters: deadline for the submission of your nominees for the 2014 Outstanding Sillimanian Awards is on October 15, 2013 at 5:00 P.M. at the SAAI Office, Alumni Hall, Silliman University, Dumaguete City, Philippines. You may download the nomination forms at

IN MEMORIAM: Herman Eugenio I. Madrazo (BBA 1976-1977 FS) on August 1, 2013; Deodona  Cedrome, husband of Nora Cedrome, secretary of the College of Mass Communication on August 3, 2013; Aquillo P. Ramirez, retired employee of Buildings & Grounds on August 12, 2013; Vicky Sanchez Caturay (BSSW 1975) on August 13, 2012; George R. Imperial (Elementary 1941, High School 1948 & BS Chemistry 1952) on August 16, 2013; Proceso U. Udarbe (BTh 1950) on August 29, 2013; Gerarda Planto Arnaiz on August 29, 2013. If you know of any Sillimanian who is not on our memorial list, please inform us.

Thank you for always being there for dear old Silliman.    

President Ben S. Malayang III has requested this office to update you regularly about the happenings on campus. We are also interested in knowing what you and your alumni chapters are doing.

Please keep in touch and update your file with our office if you have not done so. We would truly appreciate it. You may reach the President’s Office through this email address: pr[email protected]. You may also contact the Alumni Affairs Office through this address:[email protected].


The Officers and Staff of the Alumni and External Affairs

cc: Dr. Ben S. Malayang III