College of Law

College of Law


Head: Dean
Florin T. Hilbay
Phone: +035 4201901 loc 306


Within the framework of the basic commitment of Silliman University to the Christian faith, the College of Law aims: (1) to prepare students for a career in Law; (2) to train them for service, responsibility and leadership in the government and the private sector; (3) to instill professional growth and improvement; and (4) to produce competent, honest and dedicated lawyers motivated by the ideals of truth, justice and Christian love.In addition to other applicable University rules, the Juris Doctor (JD) is conferred upon students who have satisfied the entrance requirements and completed the full course of instruction, with a cumulative Q.P.A. of 2.3, as minimum requirement.

The College is housed in the Cornelio T. Villareal Hall, along Hibbard Avenue near the downtown area of Dumaguete City, on the idyllic Silliman campus.  It has spacious classrooms, a comfortable moot court, and convenient student and faculty lounges. The Law Library is now located on the second floor of Villareal Hall, adjoining the classrooms and readily accessible to all students and faculty. It is fully airconditioned.


School Year 2024-2025
Application starts on May 1, 2024


Academic Year 2024-2025

Documentary requirements:

You must submit the following:

  1.  Application form – The documentary and other requirements, listed below, should be uploaded via the application form. Link to application form:
  2. Transcript of Records (TOR) or informative copy of records issued by the school registrar if TOR is not yet available (scanned copy, pdf format);
  3. Statement of good moral character from the dean or professor of the school previously attended or from a prominent member of the community who is not related to the applicant (scanned copy, pdf format);
  4. Original essay of not more than 1,000 words. Question: Discuss your position with respect to current efforts to amend the 1987 Constitution?
  5. 1 pc 2 x 2 ID picture (image file)

If you have questions, please email: [email protected]. Email subject should be: Applicant 2024-2025

Interview Requirement

The applicant shall make himself/herself available for interview by the S.U. College of Law Admissions Committee. Interview schedules will be released at least seven (7) days before the date of interview.


Application period

Application period is May 1 to July 15, 2024. Applicants will be informed of the status of their applications within seven (7) days from the date of interview.


A limited number of scholarships are available to incoming students who graduated with honors from Silliman University within the past two (2) school years.

Data Privacy

Personal information received from applicants are subject to the data privacy policy of Silliman University as found in the following website:


All application-related questions shall be addressed to [email protected]

Bejar ,
Myles Nicholas G.
Rank: Instructor
  • Llb
  • M International Laws
Benjamin ,
Golda D.
Rank: Instructor
  • LLB/Master of Laws
Besario ,
Sheila Lynn C.
Rank: Assistant Professor
  • LLM-BioTech & Genotics
Denura ,
Norberto L.
Rank: Assistant Professor
  • LLB
Estolloso ,
Levy S.
Rank: Assistant Professor
  • LLB
Maxino ,
Mikhail Lee L.
Rank: Associate Professor
  • LLB/Master of Laws
Montebon ,
Jose Riodil D.
Rank: Assistant Professor
  • LLB