Former SUSG prexy attends economics program in South Korea

Former SUSG prexy attends economics program in South Korea

Enrica Dinopol, former Silliman University Student Government (SUSG) president, is in South Korea, attending Yonsei University’s International Summer School (YISS) for its six-week law and economics program.

YISS, according to Prof. Yong-Chan Kim, Yonsei University’s vice president for international affairs, is a six-week program that runs during the Korean Summer which “includes courses from the arts, culture, and humanities while also offering cutting-edge classes in management and economics, global issues, history, social sciences, and science and technology.” Students get to choose a range of courses across disciplines.

An incoming Economics major student at the SU College of Business Administration, Dinopol chose the law and economics course, which is also known as the “economic analysis of law.” The course uses economics to critically evaluate laws related to property, contracts, torts, and crime.”

Dinopol said that her decision to enroll in Yonsei was to diversify her knowledge, so she may contribute to the country.

“I believe that when we’re able to understand different legal and economic systems, we can definitely contribute to meaningful changes in the Philippines. This program is such a big opportunity to learn, and in turn, use to address potential issues in my country,” she explained.

Dinopol noted the value of international education opportunities and the importance of actively seeking experiences that expand one’s horizons. She said: “Silliman has never fallen short in reminding me that I have so much to offer to this world, and I am incredibly grateful for the values Silliman has instilled in me to bring my Silliman Spirit to the outside world, for certainly I will do my best to leave my mark.”

Dinopol is set to finish her program on August 9, 2024

Yonsei University ranks 11th globally in the recent Times Higher Education (THE) Impact Rankings 2024.

(with report from Timothy Deo Libres)

Enrica Dinopol, former SUSG president, enrolls in Yonsei International Summer School.

Enrica Dinopol, former SUSG president, enrolls in Yonsei International Summer School.