SU granted autonomous status by CHED

SU granted autonomous status by CHED

Silliman University (SU) has been granted autonomous status after the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) released, via CHED Memorandum Order (CMO) No. 7 series of 2024, the list of qualified private higher education institutions (PHEIs) in the country.

SU is among the 77 qualified PHEIs around the country and among the five in Region VII along with Cebu Institute of Technology – University, University of San Carlos, University of San Jose – Recoletos, and University of Visayas – Main.

CMO No. 6, series of 2023 outlines the benefits of the PHEIs with autonomous status. These include:

  • The exemption from the issuance of Special Order (S. O.) for their graduates
  • Exemption from regular monitoring and evaluation by CHED although CHED may motu proprio conduct verification, monitoring or investigation activities in cases where there is evidence or reports of a general erosion of quality and/or gross violation of CHED policies, rules and regulations
  • Authority to grant an honorary degree to deserving individuals pursuant to the provisions of the existing CHED policies on the conferment of honorary degrees
  • Priority in the grant of subsidies and other financial incentives or assistance from the CHED subject to existing rules
  • Priority to CHED support for the establishment of linkages with recognized foreign higher education institutions
  • Privilege to offer new programs in the undergraduate level, without securing permit/authority from CHED except disciplines/degree programs that are under moratorium and any other field duly specified by CHED
  • Privilege to develop and offer new undergraduate degree programs without securing permit/authority from CHED in an emerging field to achieve global competence and address the dearth of experts in the said emerging field, provided, that this new program shall not be offered through distance education
  • Privilege to determine and prescribe their curriculum programs to achieve global competence
  • Privilege to offer extension classes in undergraduate programs to expand access to higher education
  • Priority in the processing of application for new graduate programs
  • Privilege to increase tuition and other school fees without securing a permit from CHED.

This cycle of the autonomous grant reflects the performance and achievements of institutions from July 1, 2019 to September 15, 2023. The newly awarded autonomous status is valid for three years, from September 16, 2024 to September 15, 2027.