ADVISORY 1: Adaptive Measures in the Event of a Faculty Strike

ADVISORY 1: Adaptive Measures in the Event of a Faculty Strike

Issue Date: 4 July 2017 

Silliman University is anticipating the possibility of some of our faculty not making themselves available for teaching by July 5 the earliest.

The University is ensuring that such development will not compromise learning opportunities for our students and the purpose for which parents have entrusted their children to Silliman. 

Adaptive measures are in place to facilitate the reorganization and reconstitution of classes when and if a strike is staged. This includes monitoring of classes to determine which ones have or have no teachers, or are being used for purposes outside the syllabus. Creative teaching modalities will be implemented in the affected classes. 

Related advisories will be issued regularly via the University’s website and social media accounts and through our friends in the local media. ###

Issued by: 

Mark Raygan E. Garcia
Director, Office of Information and Publications
E-mail[email protected]