ADVISORY 2: Administration Respects Faculty Rights; Assures Students and Parents of Continuing Learning

ADVISORY 2: Administration Respects Faculty Rights; Assures Students and Parents of Continuing Learning

Subject:      Administration Respects Faculty Rights;
                   Assures Students and Parents of Continuing Learning
Issue Date: 7 July 2017 

Classes this week have been uninterrupted. Our colleagues remain prepared to fulfill our collective commitment to our students and their parents. 

The Administration continues to be optimistic that issues on the Collective Bargaining Agreement negotiations with the faculty union will be resolved in a manner that is most beneficial to the faculty, their present and future security of jobs and incentives, and to all other constituencies and services of the University. 

The rights of our faculty shall be affirmed, as shall be the rights of all others in Silliman. 

When and if a faculty strike is staged, the Administration commits to maintaining sufficient opportunities for peaceful and professional conduct. Of paramount concern are our students and our ability to fulfill our mandate and obligation to them. 

As communicated in Advisory No. 1, Silliman University assures students and parents that adaptive measures are in place to facilitate continuing learning on campus, when and if a faculty strike occurs, 

It would be difficult and hard on all concerned, especially to the University, but Silliman University will do its best to respond properly to the situation. ###

Issued by:

Mark Raygan E. Garcia
Director, Office of Information and Publications
Silliman University
E-mail[email protected]