ADVISORY NO. 11: Cancellation of Final Examinations and Assessment in All Levels
Final examinations and assessment in all levels are cancelled to allow students to immediately return to their respective localities.
This is in view of the current COVID-19 situation and as a consequence of the order of the Chief Executive of the City of Dumaguete, Mayor Felipe B. Remollo, dated March 12, 2020, suspending classes in all levels beginning March 13, 2020 until further notice.
The grading of students shall be based on the guidelines set by the University consistent with Paragraph 5 of CHED Advisory No. 3, dated March 11, 2020, which states that:
“HEIs based on the assessment of the situation in their localities and exercise of academic freedom should:
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5. Evaluate students on the basis of available indicators as of this time and forego other curricular activities for the remainder of the semester.”
For the information and guidance of everyone.