ADVISORY NO. 5: Implementation of the Triage System at the Gates
To continue implementing the University’s precautionary measures, a Triage team will conduct thermal scanning and screening in the following gates: Cafeteria/Admin, Elementary Main Gate, Villareal Hall, High School Main Gate, Langheim, Agriculture/IEMS, Laguna, Angelo King, and Gate 7.
As this would result in slower foot and vehicle traffic, we would like to advise everyone to allocate additional time for the screening procedures. We are asking for your patience and cooperation as we implement these measures to ensure the safety of everyone in our community. For your guidance, please refer to the following information:
- The Laguna Gate and VH Gate which are on the WEST PART of the Campus will be for the VEHICLES’ ENTRANCE only. EXIT gates will be in Channon and Gate 7.a. For vehicles entering Laguna Gate, to avoid/minimize congestion along the main road:
a.1: TRIAGE team will be positioned near the Kiosk beside the construction area.
a.2: Security Guards will direct all vehicles to LINE-UP and be ready for the Triage team.
a.3: All passengers inside the vehicle should submit for screening and assessment by the Triage team.b. For vehicles entering VH Gate:
b.1: A Triage team will be positioned at the parking area near the Science Complex Building.
b.2: Security Guards will direct the LINE-UP of vehicles and get ready for the Triage procedures.
b.3: All passengers inside the vehicle should submit for screening and assessment by the Triage team.c. Channon Gate is strictly for vehicle EXIT. However, pedestrians with the Triage sticker will be allowed
entry.d. Gate 7 is for vehicle EXIT only. However, a triage team is assigned to do the screening and assessment of
pedestrians before they are allowed entry. - At Langheim gate, only pedestrians and vehicles that have passed through the Triage System are allowed entry.
- The Admin/Cafeteria Gate which is on the EASTERN PART of the Campus will allow entry of vehicles that have undergone the Triage. All other vehicles are otherwise directed to enter VH Gate for screening and assessment and will exit at the gate beside the Portal West.
- All nine (9) gates will each have a Triage Team to screen and assess everyone. A valid ID is required.
- Those with the stickers in their IDs, they need not undergo the same screening for the week as long as they present their valid ID with the sticker for the Security Guards to check.
- Stickers are valid only up to the last day of the week (Sunday). Another round of screening and assessment will be done every Monday and another sticker will be given.
- Students, Faculty and Staff are not allowed to enter the Computer Center main entrance without the triage sticker. They will be referred to the nearest station for screening and assessment prior entry.
The following gates will be CLOSED temporarily to assure strict implementation and compliance of the Triage System: Gate of Service, Hibbard pedestrian gate and 58th avenue gate.
Students are still advised to stay indoors and avoid crowded places while the situation is being monitored.
The Silliman community is again reminded of the following preventive measures:
- Avoid shaking hands.
- Regularly clean hands with soap and water or alcohol-based rub.
- Cover nose and mouth when coughing and sneezing with tissue or flexed-elbow.
- Avoid close contact with anyone having fever, cold or flu-like symptoms.
- Thoroughly cook meat and other animal products.
- Avoid unprotected contact with live wild or farm animals.
- Eat food that are rich in vitamins and minerals such as fruits and vegetables. Drink lots of water.
- Monitor regular updates from health authorities. Bulletins from the DOH may be accessed through this link: https://www.doh.gov.ph/2019-nCoV
Finally, students and University employees who develop cold or flu-like symptoms are advised to immediately see their doctor or the University Clinic.