ADVISORY NO. 8: On the Increasing Number of Locally Transmitted COVID-19 Cases
We would like to assure everyone in the community that the University is closely monitoring the situation on the recent spike of COVID-19 cases in Metro Manila. The administration will issue an advisory within the next few days on whether or not graduation-related activities, including Honors Day, will be cancelled or deferred.
In the meantime, all offices are directed to observe the following, in addition to the preventive measures that are already in place:
Cancel or defer all trips outside the Province of Negros Oriental, especially Metro Manila. Cancel or defer all appointments or visits of guests from other places. Regularly disinfect doorknobs, handrails, and other areas that are normally touched by people. Advise any individual having fever, cold or flu-like symptoms to immediately see their doctor or the University Clinic. Report any individual having fever, cold or flu-like symptoms to the following contact information:
- (035) 422-6002 loc. 562 (University Clinic) or (035) 422-6002 loc. 230 (OIP)
- [email protected]
All campus tours shall continue to be suspended. As in previous memos, the SU Community is reminded to:
Avoid shaking hands.
Regularly clean hands with soap and water or alcohol-based rub.
Cover nose and mouth when coughing and sneezing with tissue or flexed-elbow.
Avoid close contact with anyone having fever, cold or flu-like symptoms.
Thoroughly cook meat and other animal products.
Avoid unprotected contact with live wild or farm animals.
Eat food that are rich in vitamins and minerals such as fruits and vegetables. Drink lots of water.
Monitor regular updates from health authorities. Bulletins from the DOH may be accessed through this link: https://www.doh.gov.ph/