‘Akat’ Art Exhibit by Fine Arts Dep’t Chair Runs until Oct. 15
The artworks of Fine Arts Department Chairperson Asst. Prof. Erma Lacorte are on exhibit at a local restaurant from September 16 to October 15.
Akat is from the T’bolic dialect which means “to scatter what was once in order”.
“I was fascinated with the single word that describes an occurrence as an effect of a specific action. In creating these pieces, performing repetitive strokes like cutting, drawing similar images, putting together the same forms, and arranging them without being aware of the orientation, for me, is liberating, Asst. Prof. Lacorte shared the story behind her artworks.
Asst. Prof. Lacorte is a two-time recipient of the Asian Cultural Council Fellowship Grant (2003 and 2016), a cultural exchange program for artists and researches in Asia and the United States. In 2003, she also received support from the Freeman Fellowship Grant for her artist residency in Vermont Art Studio in the United States.
Her exhibit is open to the public at KRI.