Alumni Update August 23 – 29, 2021
As Silliman University celebrates its 120th Founders Day, we share with you, Dr. Leslie E. Bauzon’s Congratulations and Felicitations to dear old Silliman.
Good day! May I express my heartfelt congratulations and felicitations on the gathering this 2021 SUFD Week of the faithful officers, faculty, staff, students and alumni of our beloved alma mater Silliman University (SU) to joyfully celebrate Silliman’s 120th Anniversary.
The University’s joyful celebration shows the strength of character of SU; its continuous growth; its perpetual relevance to the society it serves; and above all, its commitment to fulfill the promise that it has the motivation to continue the outstanding work it has been doing since its inception 120 years ago. These should be more than enough reason for our joyful celebration at this time.
But more than the festivity that this occasion surely calls for, Silliman is taking this opportunity to offer its gratitude to our God Almighty for having abundantly blessed SU and its academic, administrative as well as its extension service units. Throughout all these years and decades, God’s graces have endlessly enabled and guided SU through its and our country’s history, faithfully serving its devoted constituents, and instilling in them strong belief in the mission and vision of Silliman University.
May this celebration of Silliman’s 120th Anniversary strengthen the hope of the entire SU academic community, because hope is the perspective that keeps all the people alive. Hope is born of the faith of the followers that God continues to work His purpose in spite of the dreary and difficult modern conditions Filipinos face daily. The people hope because they know that God is there for them.
I pray that this 120th Anniversary celebration will serve as the proclamation that God’s light and hope shine in the darkness which threatens to devour the people because of the many bad things they see going on around them as they go through life every day.
With SU, the devoted officers, faculty, staff, students and alumni need not feel trapped in a dark world, groping, trying to find their way with flickering candles. Through Silliman the light has shone and continues to shine not only on this world, but in each of the hearts of every Sillimanian. Happy 120th Anniversary to our beloved alma mater Silliman University. Forever Silliman!
Dr. Leslie E. Bauzon (OSA, Education 1989)