Alumni Update January 17 – 23, 2022
The Silliman University Alumni Council Of North America (SUACONA) met last December 12, 2021 for
their Virtual Christmas Party. It was an evening of thanksgiving and gratitude in spite of the world health crisis.
The SUACONA Virtual Party was honored with the presence of Honorable Judge Jenny Lind
Aldecoa-Delorino, Silliman Alumni Association, Inc. (SAAI) National President, as inspirational speaker.
During the virtual alumni gathering, SUACONA elected its new Exec Com members for 2022 to 2023.
The following new officers were inducted by Judge Delorino: Faith Manigsaca Duran – Chairperson (SUAASC Chapter); Jose Mari Antonio – Vice Chairperson (SANE Chapter); Monina Bartoces – Secretary (Sillimanian and Friends of Georgia); Laarni Catague Gularek – Treasurer (SUAF@San Diego Chapter); Louella Dolar – Auditor (SUAF@San Diego); and Cecile Duyongco – PIO (SUAA NY-NJ).
SUACONA has also recently responded to the university’s call for support to the Typhoon Odette victims in Negros Oriental, in the amount of 4,100 US Dollars. This donation will enable the University to reach as many typhoon Odette victims covering the neighboring municipalities of Manjuyod, Bindoy, Jimalalud, La Libertad, and the City of Guihulngan, Negros Oriental.
As part of relief operations, a portion of SUACONA’s donation will also be used to fund a team of trained counselors and volunteers to provide psych-social interventions to families, especially the women and children in the above-mentioned areas. To all who responded to Silliman University’s call for support, your donation is truly heartwarming.